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Rangel: GOP Record at 100 Days, Ending Medicare, No Jobs Agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel today said the Republicans are marking their 100 days in control of the House with a plan that ends Medicare and shifts costs to seniors, while failing to produce a jobs agenda.

“While it is clear that we must address our fiscal situation, the Republicans' method of doing this through the Ryan budget is wrong. Cutting services for the most vulnerable people, the poor who are sick, the older people who are sick, and our young people who are trying to get an education doesn't create one job,” Rangel said.  “We must continue building for the future of our great country, and make certain that investments in education and infrastructure are a part of our long-term plan while we reduce our deficit. This is what the Democratic Party is all about."

The Republican budget plan has real consequences for the American people.  It ends Medicare while increasing the out of pocket costs for seniors by $6,000 for the average senior and puts seniors at the mercy of insurance companies.  It retains $40 billion in Big Oil tax loopholes while completely eliminating investments in the clean energy technologies of tomorrow.  It slashes health support for seniors in nursing homes and it makes tax cuts for the wealthiest permanent, adding $1 trillion to the deficit.

In contrast, Democrats in the House have introduced an alternative budget which invests in our Make it in America agenda, ends tax breaks for Big Oil, reduces the deficit responsibly, and strengthens our middle class and our economy. 

Additionally, this week President Obama presented a strong vision for America’s future and a strategic plan for how we get our fiscal house in order, while protecting Social Security and Medicare, investing in education and strengthening the middle class, while reducing the deficit.

“For a decade many people have said we can't tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Well, the Republicans in their proposed budget have made it abundantly clear there is a big, big difference between our two parties,” Rangel said.

Watch the Congressman speak on the House floor: 




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