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Rangel Teams Up With Groups To Help Feed Local Families

New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined with a number of elected officials and non-profit organizations, including Feed the Children, United Missionary Baptist Church and the 369th Veterans Association to distribute food to nearly 3,000 families in Upper Manhattan.

Congressman Rangel (center) stands Rev. Reggie Williams (left ,in the yellow shirt) and other volunteers who gathered early to help feed local families

"I want to thank all those involved, including Feed the Children, Avon cosmetics company and the 369 Veteran's Association, for coming together and providing this kind of assistance," said Congressman Rangel. "Although Wall Street seems to have bounced back, too many people on Main Street are still struggling, too many people have fallen on rough times, many more through no fault of their own. Efforts like today remind us that each of us can play a role in helping our communities and our nation get back on its feet."

The event on Tuesday, October 19 at the 369th Armory (2366 5th Ave. in Harlem) is the first of two events that aims to feed more than 4,000 families that day. Vouchers were distributed beforehand by local churches and community organizations, including those who work with military families.

"Some of our best soldiers on the field of battle are having a tough time out here in the civilian world," said Ret. Major General Nathaniel James of the 369th Veterans Association. "I join with Congressman Rangel and other leaders in thanking all those who have reached out to help our veterans and their families with today's generosity and encourage more people to get involved with other efforts that have been started to assist those who have sacrificed so much for our country."

Ret. General Nathaniel James (center) and Avon's Dawn Puricelli (l.) listen as Rep. Rangel (r.) speaks with reporters.
Rangel said legislation passed by Democrats this year -- including the recently passed jobs bill - looks to create new jobs opportunities for veterans and non-military personnel through small business loans and tax credits, keeping healthcare costs and investing more in schools and individual education and training. Legislation passed over the summer also saved 290,000 jobs nationwide, enabling cities like New York to avoid layoff off teachers, police officers, firefighters and other key personnel.

Rangel was also instrumental in providing an estimated 58.5 billion increase for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as Food Stamps) through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The additional funds increased SNAP allotments by $80 per month and provided additional administrative funds to help states serve the growing number of families seeking assistance.

However, the congressman said that more must be done to support food pantries and other important nutrition programs and assist families through the current economic downturn.

"We are living in urgent times and people expect resolutions, not partisan bickering," said  Rangel. "We must find a way to work together to provide the hope and the resources that children and families need to lift themselves out of their current situation and closer toward their dreams."

Feed the Children's Americans Feeding Americans Caravan has helped more than 155,000 families across the country. The Oklahoma-based non-profit hopes to assist at least 200,000 more families by the end of 2010 through the caravan and even more through other domestic efforts.

"Many of the recipients on our Americans Feeding Americans Caravan were considered middle class before the economic downturn and are now struggling,” said Tony Sellars, spokesperson for Feed The Children. "We appreciate Avon, the local elected officials, our partner agencies and the volunteers for helping to make yet another Americans Feeding Americans distribution possible for families in need of a hand up.”

Photos of this event can also be downloaded from the Congressman's Flickr site at:



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