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Rangel Lauds $6.375 Million Federal Grant For Broadband Mapping Activities

NEW YORK -- Congressman Rangel lauded New York Governor Paterson's announcement of a $6.375 million federal stimulus grant for the state's broadband mapping activities. New York State will use this award and additional funds to develop the first-ever statewide map depicting the availability of high-speed internet service, commonly known as broadband.

To date, New York has received $149.5 million in funding for broadband projects. These funds have been used to better position the State to eliminate the digital divide and ensure every community, resident and business has the technology resources needed to thrive in the new economy based on knowledge, technology and innovation.

"Broadband empowers America's businesses, workers and communities to extend beyond their immediate reach," said Congressman Rangel.  "By investing in broadband, we’re fostering the exchange of new ideas in the marketplace. In this day and age, access to the world wide web is crucial to staying on top of the global competition."

The State's Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure received the award from the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in the final round of awards in the State Broadband Data and Development grant program, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This federal grant will be used to collect, verify, map and analyze data obtained from each of the companies that offers broadband service to New York State customers.

A national broadband map will be assembled from data prepared by each state and will be completed by February 17, 2011. The broadband map for the state of New York is now available to the public at


Visitors to the broadband map can enter a street address and see a list of broadband providers who offer service in their neighborhoods, including the types of broadband service and advertized service speeds, as well as links to contact the providers for additional information or to subscribe for service. The site can provide the comparison of services available in any two counties, cities, towns, or villages in the State.

The interactive map will also allow visitors to display those areas in the State that lack broadband coverage. New Yorkers will be able to report errors or omissions on the map, and to help the State gather additional data on broadband speeds by running an online speed test provided by the Center for Technology in Government at SUNY-Albany.

New York State took the lead to develop a comprehensive broadband mapping strategy two and a half years ago to identify areas most in need and to address gaps in coverage, and identifying unserved and underserved areas of the State.

"New York is the 16th largest economy and one of the leading financial and communication hubs in the world. There's no excuse for lack of broadband in every household." said Rangel.



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