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Rangel Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  Congressman Charles Rangel marked the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month on  September 15 by calling on all Americans to remember the important contributions that Latinos have made to New York City and the nation.

“Whether it's been on the battlefield or in our community institutions, Hispanics have a long history of fighting to make this country a better place, "said Rangel. "I am proud to honor the vast heritage of those who have immigrated from Latin America and the Caribbean this month and every day of the year. "

“Economically, culturally, and politically, Latinos have enriched my district and our nation," he added. Hispanics make up 45% of Congressman Rangel’s district, includes the Latino-dominant neighborhoods of East Harlem and Washington Heights/Inwood. The district has one of the largest established concentrations of Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in all of New York City, as well as more recent arrivals from Mexico and other parts of Latin America.

The current Hispanic community in the United States is 48.4 million-strong, making Latinos the fastest growing ethnic group in the country. There are currently 2.3 million Hispanic-owned small businesses in the United States and 1.1 million Hispanic veterans of the U.S. military.

Hispanics now fill top positions in the U.S. federal government, with 26 Members working in the 110th Congress (including New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez), Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis representing the Obama Administration, and Sonia Sotomayor serving as the first Hispanic Justice of the Supreme Court.

"Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is just another wonderful opportunity for our society to explore and take pride in the strength of our diversity," Rangel said.  "At a time when extremists would have us fear our differences, this is a chance to stand up and support just one of the many cultures that make this nation great," added the Congressman.

This year's theme for National Heritage Month is “Heritage, Diversity, Integrity and Honor: The Renewed Hope of America.” Since 1988, the one-month long celebration includes various events and festivities nationwide until October 15.

To access the Census Bureau’s Facts for Features series on National Hispanic Heritage Month, click here.



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