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Fight For Immigration Reform Begins

Congressman Rangel signs on as an original co-sponsor of comprehensive immigration reform legislation in the House of Representatives

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement as Rep. Luis Gutierrez and other members of Congress introduced comprehensive immigration reform legislation on Tuesday, December 15. Rep. Rangel is one of several lawmakers who have signed on as original co-sponsors of the measure known as the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009:

"The challenges that that this country faces must be met by leaders who are unwilling to shrink from their responsibilities, not just to their constituents, but to history," said Congressman Charles Rangel. "This bill helps repair our broken immigration system by balancing our need to secure our borders with our moral obligation to keep families together and the economic reality of incorporating those who only seek a better life for their children.

The improvements pushed in this bill helps bring millions who are already making valuable contributions in our communities out of the shadows, every one of which we will need to rebuild our economy and outpace our global competitors. It renews the promise of the American Dream for future generations, reminding them that a nation built on the sacrifice of immigrants --immigrants not just from Europe, but from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean -- will not abandon its legacy for political expediency or because of fear-mongering.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez, deserves a lot of credit for bringing such a diverse group of legislators on this bill and to this fight. Over the last two years, he has traveled to almost every part of this country, listening and documenting the stories of hardworking families whose lives have been forever changed by unfair deportations and other problems of the current system. So too do members of our own New York delegation who have in the past introduced legislation that has made its way into the current bill. Representatives like Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Rep. Yvette Clarke, Rep. Joe Crowley and Rep. Jerry Nadler, as well as Sen. Charles Schumer and Sen. Kristen Gillibrand.

I look forward to working with not only all of them, but also the scores of local activists that have been part of this fight. Neighborhood groups like Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, New York State Interfaith Network for Immigration Reform and East Harlem Against Deportation; City-wide institutions like Families for Freedom and the New York Immigration Coalition; and organizations like the NAACP, the AJC, the American Friends Service Committee to name a few. I also look forward to seeing more of our spiritual leaders, locally and nationally, get involved with what is not just an economic issue, but a moral one as well.

Certainly, the road to getting meaningful legislation past the House and Senate and to the President for signature has only just begun. Skeptics might even wonder if the Congress will have enough energy and resolve for such a large task so soon after completing work on health care reform. Let the political pundits debate over whether there is every an imperfect time to do what is just. What we need to remember is how we answer our children and grandchildren is when they ask us what we did to ensure that our  laws mirror the ideals we hold so very dear."



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