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Rangel Responds to Bloomberg Criticism of Stimulus Package

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel issued the following response to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent criticism of the economic stimulus package:

“Mayor Bloomberg's recent comments on the stimulus package miss the mark entirely. How do you equate the plight of millions of hardworking families to alcoholics when we are not talking about a disease or addiction, but a situation of financial desperation often caused by forces beyond their control?

“For years the Bush Administration turned a cold shoulder to millions of lower- and middle-income families in favor of tax breaks for the wealthiest in America. Now the Administration has agreed to target lower-and middle-income families for a tax rebate, not out of compassion, but because they are so poor they must spend the money into the economy to survive.

“These stimulus checks should help in the short term, but we will suffer a greater loss in the long-term if we do not fix the underlying problems with our economic policies that leave millions without the means to keep a roof over their heads or food on their tables. I believe Mayor Bloomberg shares this view and I hope he will be a partner in the effort to reform our tax code and rebuild our social safety network to strengthen opportunities for all Americans.”












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