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Amadou Ly Granted Visa to Study In U.S.

Amadou Heinz Ly, an 18-year-old immigrant from Senegal and star student in East Harlem, has been granted his wish to pursue his college studies in the U.S.

Abandoned in this country at the age of 13, Amadou was facing deportation due to the expiration of his original visa.  He had lived on his own in the intervening years, but nevertheless became an outstanding science student at Central Park East High School. 

Last week, after appeals by Cong. Rangel, Senator Hillary Clinton, Cong. Peter King,  Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others, he was informed by U.S. immigration authorities that he would be granted a student visa allowing him to remain in the country to pursue college studies in technology.

"I am very happy for Amadou and have every expectation that he will make all the people who supported him very proud," Cong. Rangel said.  "He is an example of the talent that resides in our immigrant communities and the need in reforming the immigration laws to ensure that those talents are not thrown away."

Amadou was brought to the U.S. from Senegal by his mother, who after two years returned to her home country, leaving him behind.  He came to the attention of community leaders and the press last spring after winning a regional competition in robotics science, outperforming students from the city's elite high schools.  He will attend New York City College of Technology in the fall.












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