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Rangel Lauds Obama Administration WTO Suit Against China's Unfair Trade Practices For Autos And Auto Parts

New York, NY- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement after the Obama White House filed a trade case today against China, which has provided auto and auto parts companies with at least $1 billion in illegal export subsidies between 2009 and 2011, despite its previous agreement to eliminate all export subsidies when it joined the WTO in 2001:

"During the height of the financial crisis in 2008, President Barack Obama made the right decisions to save the American auto industry. Four years later, he continues to protect the 800,000 auto-workers and parts-makers whose livelihoods depend on the strength of the American auto industry.

The Obama Administration has filed more cases against China's questionable trade practices in the last four years than any other previous Administration in history and even created the government-wide International Trade Enforcement Center (ITEC) for concentrated oversight on questionable global trade practices that hurt American businesses and auto manufacturers.

I laud the President for initiating another critical case with the World Trade Organization against China's illegal export subsidies to its automotive sector. We must consistently challenge China's inability to play by the rules and today's action clearly demonstrates our priorities. My Colleagues and I on the Ways and Means Committee will do everything we can to revive American and global economies while protecting our auto industry and its workers at home."



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