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Rangel Hails End To War In Afghanistan

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the Obama Administration announced the signing of the US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement:

"Yesterday President Barack Obama traveled to Afghanistan to sign an historic Strategic Partnership Agreement between the United States and Afghanistan, which outlines how America will transfer responsibility for Afghan security to the Afghan people as our troops return home.  Along with many of my Democratic Colleagues, I have remained steadfast in my opposition to the war in Afghanistan--the longest in American history.  I am pleased that this agreement moves us closer to the day when all remaining 80,000 American troops will safely return home.

As we begin our withdrawal from Afghanistan, we pay tribute to the 1,828 heroic Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country.  We honor them by ensuring that their brothers and sisters who are coming home are given our deepest admiration and support as they reintegrate into the society they fought so hard to protect.

With al Qaeda's forces largely eradicated and Osama bin Laden dead, we must now focus on ensuring a smooth transition into civilian life for our returning military heroes.  As a veteran of the Korean War, I understand the plight of our soldiers and am committed to ensuring that our more recent veterans are provided the care and opportunity that they so desperately deserve and have earned. We must work to maximize healthcare and benefits for these men and women, many of whom face serious mental and physical health problems.

America cannot be dragged into more endless and undeclared engagements such as in Iraq and Afghanistan.  President Obama has my unwavering support as he guides our troops home while working to ensure security and economic stability in our own nation."



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