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Rangel Condemns GOP Student Loan Obstructionism

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement condemning the Republican refusal to debate student loan policy in the Senate:
"Once again, our Republican Colleagues have proven that they are more concerned with playing politics than with governing the country. In refusing to even debate a bill that would prevent interest rates on student loans from doubling, the Republican leadership has made it clear that it is not open to reasonable debate or compromise.

The interest rate on subsidized student loans is set to double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent in July. This means that it is now time for decisive action to prevent the burden of student loan debt from continuing to crush American college students and their families - harming the future engine of our great nation.

At the very least, the GOP should be willing to start a discussion on the best way to protect our students and their families. Disagreement over policy is one thing; refusing to debate those disagreements is another. If we don't act soon, tens of thousands of college students could find themselves even deeper in debt. One thing is clear: the future of our economy is at stake, and we are running out of time."



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