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Rangel Praises Senate Vote To Preserve Medicare

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement after the Senate defeated the Republican budget that would end Medicare as we know it:

"Yesterday, the Senate delivered a resounding rejection of the GOP's plan to end Medicare by replacing it with a voucher system. This is a victory for our nation's seniors and their families who can continue to count on the government's promise to provide what they have rightfully earned.

The Republican budget ends the guaranteed coverage seniors paid for, and instead puts them at the mercy of private insurance companies. Seniors would see their out-of-pocket costs rise by more than $6,000 and would have to spend more on prescription drug costs. They will also lose benefits, such as free preventive care under Medicare, which went into effect under the Democrats' healthcare reform.

The GOP's cruel agenda to end Medicare and give $1 trillion in tax breaks to millionaires and Big Oil not only harms the health of Americans but also imperils our economic future. While we must address our ballooning deficit, we cannot put the burden on the backs of the elderly and the vulnerable. It is time for Republicans to join Democrats in helping to create American jobs and provide everyone the tools and opportunities to succeed."



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