Art Theft

act200.jpgIt’s like stealing history.

Art and cultural property crime—which includes theft, fraud, looting, and trafficking across state and international lines—is a looming criminal enterprise with estimated losses running as high as $6 billion annually.

To recover these precious pieces—and to bring these criminals to justice—the FBI has a dedicated Art Crime Team of 14 special agents, supported by three special trial attorneys for prosecutions. And it runs the National Stolen Art File, a computerized index of reported stolen art and cultural properties for the use of law enforcement agencies across the world.

Please note: U.S. persons and organizations requiring access to the National Stolen Art File should contact their closest FBI Field Office; international organizations should contact their closest FBI Legal Attaché Office.

In Depth

Initiatives & Background
- Art Crime Team
- National Stolen Art File
- Jurisdiction/Legislation

Report Stolen Art
- Submit a Tip Online
- Contact Your Local FBI Office
- Contact Your Nearest Overseas Office

Protect Your Treasures
- Advice from an Art Theft Expert

Other Resources
- Interpol Stolen Works of Art
- Museum Security Network
- International Council of Museums
- More

FBI Top Ten Art Crimes
- Iraqi Looted and Stolen Artifacts storm80.jpg
- Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Theft
- Theft of Caravaggio’s Nativity with San Lorenzo and San Francesco
- Theft of the Davidoff-Morini Stradivarius
- The Van Gogh Museum Robbery caravaggio2.jpg
- Theft of Cezanne’s View of Auvers-sur-Oise
- Theft of the Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney Murals, Panels 3-A and 3-B
- Theft from the Museu Chacara do Céu
- Theft of Van Mieris’ A Cavalier
- Theft of Renoir Oil Painting


In the News
Renoir Painting Angled

Art Crime
A Renoir painting stolen in Houston last year is the newest addition to our Top Ten Art Crimes list. Details

More News & Features

Minneapolis: Man who listed art for sale pleads guilty to insurance fraud; claimed art was stolen.
Los Angeles: Man convicted of possessing, selling paintings stolen from an art gallery.
New Haven: Art dealer indicted for selling works falsely advertised as Pablo Picasso originals.


National Stolen Art File Search

The National Stolen Art File (NSAF) is a database of stolen art and cultural property. Stolen objects are submitted for entry to the NSAF by law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. When an object is recovered, it is removed from the database. However, be aware that not all recoveries are reported to the NSAF. If you have information on a work of art in the NSAF, please use the tip line to report it.

Search the National Stolen Art File