United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment


October 20, 1997

FOR: The Commissioners
FROM: L. Joseph Callan /s/ Executive Director for Operations


To provide the Commission an update on the Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP), to advise the Commission that the generic SDMP policy issues have been resolved, and to inform the Commission that the staff intends to phase out use of SDMP terminology as a result of meeting the policy resolution goals. The new License Termination Rule and associated guidance provide the infrastructure to manage the materials decommissioning program in the future.


On July 13, 1988, the staff briefed the Commission on contamination problems at the Safety Light Corporation site in Pennsylvania. After the briefing, the Commission became increasingly interested in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission program for decommissioning and requested additional information on the program and on any significantly contaminated sites. In May 1989, the General Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report entitled "NRC's Decommissioning Procedures and Criteria Need To Be Strengthened." The findings contained in the GAO report were the subject of an August 3, 1989, Congressional hearing on "Decommissioning and Decontamination Requirements for Closing Nuclear Facilities," at which former NRC Chairman Carr testified. After the hearing, the Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) that expressed concern that the staff might not be exhausting its options or applying a consistent strategy to ensure timely decommissioning of sites.

In response to Commission concerns, the original SDMP was developed and submitted to the Commission on March 29, 1990 (SECY-90-121). The SDMP was intended to focus management attention on: 1) identifying and resolving generic and site-specific policy issues affecting decommissioning; and 2) setting priorities and schedules for the decommissioning of sites that presented significant challenges. There have been six annual updates of the SDMP since 1990. There were originally 40 sites on the SDMP list, 20 were subsequently added, and 21 have been removed.


1.  Sites Removed from the SDMP List Since the Last Update

Eight sites have been removed from the SDMP since the last update in September 1996, including three that were transferred to Massachusetts when it became an Agreement State. The remediation and release of the Babcock and Wilcox site (Apollo, Pennsylvania), a site of considerable public and Congressional interest, are particularly notable. Attachment 1 contains a summary of the significant activities and schedules for the 39 sites remaining on the list and the 8 sites removed since the last update.

2.  Final Rule on "Radiological Criteria for License Termination" (hereafter, License Termination Rule)

The Final License Termination Rule was published in the Federal Register on July 21, 1997,

(62 FR 39058). As directed by the Commission, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, with support from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, is developing implementation guidance for the rule and is scheduled to provide the guidance to the Commission by February 21, 1998. The regulatory guide is being developed in four modules: 1) dose modeling, 2) final status survey, 3) license termination under restricted conditions, and 4) as low as is reasonably achievable requirements. Substantial progress has been made. However, the development of the dose modeling section is very complex, and may require additional time to complete.

A preliminary review of the 39 SDMP sites indicates that about half will be decommissioned and released for unrestricted use. Based on progress to date, the staff anticipates that most of the licensees seeking unrestricted use will be "grandfathered" in accordance with the provisions of the License Termination Rule, and will be decommissioned using the criteria established in the SDMP Action Plan (57 FR 13389). Other SDMP licensees may request that their sites be decommissioned under the restricted use option of the License Termination Rule. The staff anticipates that many of the sites involving proposals for restricted release will continue to require significant staff resources to manage. The staff has found that it has expended substantially more resources than budgeted in restricted release cases requiring environmental impact statements, and involving substantial public opposition, such as Babcock and Wilcox - Parks Township and Shieldalloy.

3.  Staff Proposal to Phase Out SDMP Terminology

The staff plans to phase out the use of SDMP terminology. As indicated in the background, the SDMP program was developed primarily as a result of concerns that the staff might not be applying a consistent strategy to ensure timely decommissioning of sites. The publication of the License Termination Rule settled the last, and perhaps most significant of the generic policy issues which provide the framework for consistent and timely decommissioning decisions. Other generic issues have been resolved through rulemakings and guidance. Attachment 2 contains a list of these regulations and guidance documents. Because the SDMP has met its policy goals and has established the necessary framework for decommissioning decisions, the staff believes that the use of the SDMP terminology should be phased out with the completion of the regulatory guidance in fiscal year 1998. This change reflects the maturation of the materials decommissioning program from policy development and case-by-case licensing to a more routine, operational program with regulatory framework in place. In addition, staff believes that continuing the SDMP program distinct from the rest of the materials decommissioning program adds additional complexity and inefficiencies in the face of resource constraints. Ending the use of SDMP terminology will facilitate staff efforts to plan and budget consistently for the full spectrum of sites undergoing decommissioning from simple to complex.

The staff plans to continue to track the 39 remaining SDMP sites as well as any requests under the new rule for restricted release. Site specific issues will now be addressed under the comprehensive framework of regulations and guidance which have been established and senior management and the Commission will continue to be apprised, as appropriate. For example, the staff will continue to notify the Commission prior to releasing a site under restricted conditions. Notification of the public and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be made in accordance with the License Termination Rule and any associated guidance or agreements with EPA. The annual Commission update on the SDMP will be discontinued with this report. Also, the staff does not plan to prepare a detailed, biennial update on the SDMP, which would have been published in 1997 as NUREG-1444, Supplement 2. The staff will continue on an annual basis to brief the Commission on any issues related to implementation of the License Termination Rule and progress on complex decommissioning cases under the rule.

4.  Strategic Assessment, Direction-Setting Issue No. 9, "Decommissioning of Non-Reactor Facilities"

In an SRM dated March 31, 1997, the Commission directed the staff to evaluate new and different approaches to the decommissioning review process, including decommissioning plans that are commensurate with complexity and risk; and to conduct a pilot program and workshop to encourage decommissioning of sites that are relatively straightforward. A discussion of the staff's initiatives to implement new approaches to decommissioning is contained in Attachment 3.

5.  Staff Responses to Commission Directives on the SDMP

After the last SDMP update in October 1996, the Commission issued an SRM dated October 25, 1996. In response to the SRM, the staff provided the Commission with two memoranda: 1) "Report on the Feasibility of a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Some of the Site Decommissioning Management Plan Sites," July 24, 1997; and 2) "Application of Risk-Informed Regulation to the Decommissioning of Formerly Licensed Sites and Old Burials," April 2, 1997. The SRM also requested a report on project management turnover and the impact on SDMP sites. A report on project management turnover is provided in Attachment 4. Eleven sites had changes in project management during fiscal year 1997. The changes may have adversely affected two cases. However, for four other cases, the effect was positive, and for the remaining five cases, there was no significant impact.


The SDMP budget for fiscal years 1997, 1998, and 1999 are 22, 19, and 14, full-time equivalents, respectively. The staff believes that the regulatory improvements associated with Direction-Setting Issue No. 9 will partially mitigate the reductions, but the extent cannot be quantified until further progress is made on implementation of the improvements. However, it is expected that some cases will be delayed as a result of limited resources to conduct reviews or inspections in a timely manner.


The Office of the General Counsel has reviewed this paper and has no legal objection.

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this paper for resource implications and has no objections.


With the issuance of the License Termination Rule, the generic SDMP policy issues have been resolved and unless directed otherwise by the Commission, the staff intends to phase out use of SDMP terminology. The Commission should note that: 1) this will be the last SDMP Report, 2) that the staff will notify the Commission prior to releasing a site under restricted conditions consistent with the License Termination Rule, and 3) the staff will continue annual briefing of the Commission on implementation of the License Termination Rule and program on complex decommissioning cases.

L. Joseph Callan
Executive Director for Operations

CONTACT: David N. Fauver, NMSS/DWM
(301) 415-6625

Attachments: 1.   SDMP Site Status Summaries
2.  Final Rules and Guidance Documents Developed Through the SDMP Program
3.  Report on Direction-Setting Issue No. 9 - New and Different Approaches to Decommissioning Non-Reactor Facilities
4.  Report on Project Manager Turnover

SDMP Site Status Summaries


Site Identification

Location: LIVONIA, MI
License No.:
Docket Number: 04000235
License Status: Expired
Project Manager J. BUCKLEY

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Thorium contaminated soil is present at several locations, both surface and subsurface, in the open land areas outside of the building. Soil contamination has also been identified below the building foundation in three locations.

AAR Manufacturing submitted a site remediation plan (including a site characterization report) for NRC review in May 1996. NRC staff reviewed the plan and provided comments to AAR on 2/13/97. NRC concluded that AAR's remediation plan was unacceptable as presented, and provided AAR with an acceptable method for surveying and averaging concentrations of thorium in contaminated subsurface soil. AAR is currently analyzing NRC's comments and preparing a revised remediation plan.

There currently are no outstanding licensing actions.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Dec 1997 Anticipated receipt of AAR's revised Remediation Plan
  • Jan 1998 Anticipated approval by NRC of AAR's Remediation Plan
  • Dec 1998 Earliest possible removal date from SDMP. A more reliable estimate will be available following NRC review of the remediation plan.


AAR proposed to remove only the soil which results in an exposure rate of greater than 10 uR/hr measured at one meter above the surface. This approach results in leaving significant volumes of soil which exceed the NRC's release criteria for the unrestricted use of thorium (10 pCi/g). NRC informed AAR that this approach was unacceptable as presented. NRC provided AAR with an acceptable approach on 2/13/97 (see status above)


Site Identification

License No.: SUB-834
Docket Number: 04007354
License Status: Active
Project Manager A. DIMITRIADIS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In December 1995, the licensee submitted a study of the long term fate of depleted uranium (DU) at the Aberdeen site. The study evaluated the current distribution of DU in the environment and concluded that the DU has a minimal effect on the environment.

The NRC completed the re-. ew of the licensee's report iP May 1996. Based on a review of the long term fate study and the Army's ongoing environmental radiological monitoring (ERM) program, in March, 1997, the staff recommended that continued use of DU is acceptable and that the site be removed from the SDMP list.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Apr 1997 Removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

License No.: 34-19089-01
Docket Number: 3016055
License Status: Active
Project Manager J. MADERA

Status of Decommissioning Activities

AMS' NRC license is currently in the renewal process. AMS is an active licensee, and is not decommissioning its facility. However, three rooms (WHUT room, hot cell, and HEPA room) are heavily contaminated with Co-60.

In October 1995, AMS submitted a conceptual decommissioning plan proposing the SAFSTOR decommissioning option for the AMS facility. In February 1997, NRC notified AMS that SAFSTOR was unacceptable.

In December 1996, AMS transferred its entire inventory (with the exception of a calibration source) of sealed and bulk sources of Co-60 (approximately 48,000 Ci) to the disposal facility in Barnwell, S.C.

From July 22 through July 28, 1997, approximatley 600 curies (22,200 gigabequerel [GBq]) of cobalt-60 waste was shipped by ChemNuclear systems, Inc., from AMS to Barnwell, S.C., for disposal. The radioactive waste included contaminated construction material and equipment from the facility. It was transported in casks in five shipments. The remaining cobalt-60 inventory at the facility consists of a 1200 curie (44,000 GBq) sealed source used for equipment testing purposes and residual cobalt-60 contamination in restricted areas.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule


Currently, AMS' decommissioning funding plan (DFP) is under NRC review. Issuance of the AMS license renewal is pending final action on the DFP. Resolution of these issues will depend on AMS' ability to fund decommissioning of its London Road facility.


Site Identification

License No.: STC-133
Docket Number: 04000341
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager D. ORLANDO

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) completed removal of residual radioactive material in October 1995.

DLA submitted Final Status Surveys for soil and buildings, and a groundwater assessment, in December 1995 and January 1996.

NRC and the Maryland Department of Environment (MDDE) performed a confirmatory survey of the site in December 1996.

NRC and MDDE staff approved DLA's Final Status Survey in April 1997.

NRC, MDDE and DLA held a Public Meeting in May 1997 to discuss the release of the site for unrestricted use with interested members of the public.

NRC staff submitted a Commission paper (SECY-97-136) outlining the site history and remedial activities for review and concurrence in June 1997.

NRC staff released the site for unrestricted use and removed the site from the SDMP in July 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Jul 1997 Site removed from SDMP




Site Identification

Location: APOLLO, PA
License No.. SNM-145
Docket Number: 07000135
License Status: Active
Project Manager H. ASTWOOD

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The staff completed its review of B&W's groundwater monitoring data, the final termination survey, and Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education's (ORISE) confirmatory survey. All reviews indicated that the site met NRC's criteria for unrestricted use.

The staff then prepared a paper to notify the Commission of the staff's intention to terminate the license and remove the Apollo site from the SDMP list. The paper was signed by the EDO January 17, 1997, and is SECY-97-015. The SRM approving the action was dated February 25, 1997.

On April 14, 1997, after notifing the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), NRC issued a letter to B&W terminating the Apollo licnese. The site has been removed from the SDMP.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Apr 1997 Removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

License No.: SNM-414
Docket Number: 07000364
License Status: Active
Project Manager N. ORLANDO

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Site characterization was completed in November 1995.

In July 1997, NRC published a Federal Register notice stating that the NRC had completed its review of the DP and that the review resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

Under their existing license B&W is remediating the buildings on-site to levels suitable for unrestricted use, and will demolish the buildings after NRC approval of the final status surveys.

After NRC approval of the decommissioning plan, B&W will remediate soils and underground tanks and pipes.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov 1997 NRC approves the decommissioning plan for the site


There is significant public interest in this site.

In October 1995, NRC staff seperated this portion of the site from the adjacent Shallow Land Disposal Area (SLDA) creating a new SDMP site for the SLDA. As such, the current Parks Township site no longer meets the criteria for inclusion in the SDMP. The staff is preparing a Commission Paper requesting Commission approval to remove the site from the SDMP.


Site Identification

License No.: 07003085
Docket Number: 07003085
License Status: Active
Project Manager P. SOBEL

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The staff developed a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for this site because the licensee's proposed option is to stabilize the waste in place with restricted release. NRC published the DEIS, and the DEIS was noticed in the Federal Register on September 4, 1997. A meeting was held with B&W, ARCO and Congressman Murtha's staff on September 4, 1997, to discus the process for review of the DEIS. On September 24, 1997, the NRC announced the withdrawal of the DEIS in the Federal Register. The DEIS was withdrawn so NRC can develop additional information regarding the alternatives presented in the DEIS for decommissioning the site. The licensee is proposing to cover the buried waste with soil and a synthetic cover, and isolate the waste from the groundwater with slurry walls, grout curtains, and other engineered barriers.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule


This site contains enriched and depleted uranium, and issues exist concerning the preferred alternative for decommissioning the site. The licensee has proposed stabilization of the contaminated material on site with restricted use, and the public and local Congressman prefer disposal off-site. This issue needs to be resolved in an EIS, but further delays in decommissioning the site may occur because of the complex nature of the analyses.

In addition, there is significant public interest in this site. When the NRC amends the license to approve the decommissioning plan, there may be a hearing request. This could also delay the decommissioning of the site.


Site Identification

Location: LIMA, OH
License No.: SUB-908
Docket Number: 04007604
License Status: Active
Project Manager S. NALLUSWAMI

Status of Decommissioning Activities

NRC issued License Amendment No. 9 on May 8, 1996, for the mixed waste pond closure project. This amendment authorizes on-site disposal of the mixed wastes containing depleted uranium in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20.2002 in closure cells designed under US EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) rules. Amendment No. 10 was issued on December 10, 1996, for approving field changes during closure cell construction. Amendment No. 11 was issued on June 11, 1997, to incorporate the modified sludge sampling plan. In January 1997, BPC completed construction of the V-1 Closure cell. In July 1997, BPC placed Deepwell pond sludge in the V-1 Closure cell.

A decommissioning plan for the rest of the site areas was submitted in August 1996, and NRC staff completed its review of the plan on May 23, 1997. NRC submitted comments to BPC on its decommissioning plan, and is currently awaiting response to comments. NRC reviewed and approved BPC's financial assurance submittal in May 1997.

An announced inspection was performed on September 8, 9 and 10, 1997. The purpose was to review overall Pond Closure Project quality assurance and quality control, and to follow up on previously identified violations and concerns which formed the bases for a Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) issued by RIII in August 1997. The CAL temporarily halted the Project because of concerns that sludge mixing, sampling, laboratory analyses and record-keeping were not adequate to ensure that the onsite disposal cell could meet NRC radiological criteria. The inspection found that corrective actions had been taken on items previously identified, but that in a number of other areas of the QA/QC Plan, activities had not been, and were not currently being, performed in compliance with NRC requirements. Violations were identified within several sections of the Plan where staff inspected for compliance. Over one dozen individual examples of non-compliance within the Plan were identified.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep 1997 BPC stabilization and placement of Burn pond sludge in V-1 Closure cell
  • Nov 1997 Construct permanent cap on V-1 Closure cell
  • Jun 1998 BPC completes Cell #2
  • Nov 1998BPC constructs cap on Cell #2
  • Jun 1999BPC completes mixed waste pond closure
  • Dec 2015 BPC decommissions AN2-B Reactor


As a result of problems with operations identified at the facility during the September 1997 inspection, the licensee committed to stop work pending corrective action.


Site Identification

License No.: SMB-920
Docket Number: 04006940
License Status: Active
Project Manager M. LAMASTRA

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Cabot's Boyertown site is an operating facillity that processes tin slags, tantalite, and columbite ores to extract tantalum and niobium. An enviromental assessment was completed in September 1996 as part of the renewal license process. NRC renewed the license in December 1996, after the content of Cabot's proposed decommissioning funding plan (DFP) and financial assurance mechanism were approved. The approval of the Cabot DFP was based on the assumption that the existing on-site sludge would be reprocessed to extract remaining Ta and Nb, and is therefore not waste. Cabot began transfering the sludge, in September 1997, to a uranium mill for processing, and will complete the transfer of all the old sludge by January 1998. However, new sludge will continue to be produced as Cabot continues its current operations.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep 1997 Cabot begins to transfer sludge to uranium mill
  • Jan 1998 Cabot completes transfer of sludge to the mill




Site Identification

Location: READING, PA
License No.: SMC-1562
Docket Number: 04006940A
License Status: Active
Project Manager T. HARRIS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee has completed site characterization except for determining slag leach rates. NRC is reviewing the licensee's revised leach rate calculation for the slag waste. Since the leach rate calculation is more complicated than either the licensee or NRC anticipated, and since the licensee expects to apply the decommissioning criteria in the new license termination rule (Radiological Criteria for License Termination, 62 Federal Register 39058, Monday July 21, 1997), the site decommissioning plan was delayed until November 1997.

The licensee has determined that the volume of the radioactive slag pile is 60,000 cubic feet. Individual pieces of slag have been determined to contain combined uranium and thorium concentrations ranging from 686 to 1222 pCi/g. However, the radioactive material is mixed with uncontaminated material, so the radiological concentration of the pile as a whole is much less than these individual pieces. The slag pile consists of (1) residue from processing tin slags to recover tantalum; (2) sand mixed with tin slags; and (3) some slags of unknown origin.

Financial assurance in the amount of $234K was submitted in November 1995. The financial assurance instrument was revised per NRC comments and is now acceptable.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov l997 Cabot Corp. submits decommissioning plan
  • Mar 1998 NRC approves decommissioning plan


The leach rate determination is the major outstanding technical issue. The licensee is developing a cost estimate for off-site disposal.


Site Identification

Location: REVERE, PA
License No.: SMC-1562
Docket Number: 04006940B
License Status: Active
Project Manager T. HARRIS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee submitted a revised decommissioning plan in April .1996. NRC reviewed the plan and sent comments to the licensee in June 1996. The licensee is awaiting the resolution of the leach rate determination issue at the Reading site before responding to NRC on the Revere site. In April 1996, the licensee submitted a revised financial instrument, per NRC comments, that is now acceptable. The licensee expects to be able to complete decommissioning within four months of NRC approval of its decommissioning plan.

The licensee has submitted a license amendment request to revise the decommissioning plan due date to 90 days after the decommissioning rule is finalized. The staff has stated that it would favorably consider such a request. The decommissioning rule was published on July 21, 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Cabot Corp. submits revised decommissioning plan
  • Jan 1998 NRC approves decommissioning plan


The major issues include: (1) the calculation of the leach rate; (2) whether credit for the cover can be given; and (3) concentration averaging.


Site Identification

License No.: SUB-1357
Docket Number: 04008724B
License Status: Expired
Project Manager T. JOHNSON

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Staff issued approval of the Bert Avenue remediation plan on February 14, 1997. Chemetron began remediation activities in summer of 1997. Regional air samplers have been installed and Cuyahoga County Board of Health staff have been trained to change out the filters. Remediation is expected to be complete in March 1998.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Mar 1998 Complete remediation of Bert Avenue site.
  • Jul 1998 Remove Bert Avenue site from SDMP list




Site Identification

License No.: SUB-1357
Docket Number: 04008724
License Status: Expired
Project Manager T. JOHNSON

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The decommissioning plan for the Harvard Ave. site was approved on June 7, 1996. Chemetron began excavation of contamination on June 10, 1996, and completed remediation of the site and the McGean-Rohco buildings later that summer. Chemetron completed its final surveys during the week of September 20, 1996, and submitted a final survey report on November 22, 1996. NRC inspected Chemetron's final survey practices during the week of September 16, 1996, and performed a confirmatory survey during the week of September 23, 1996. Chemetron finished cap placement and final site contouring in Spring 1997. ORISE submitted its confirmatory survey report on December 17, 1996.

NRC completed confirmatory surveys of sewer lines at the Harvard Avenue site in August 1997. Currently, radioactive waste is stored in building 16 of the McGean-Rohco buildings. It is expected that this waste will be removed in Spring 1998.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Jul 1998 Remove from SDMP list.




Site Identification

License No.: C-3790, C-3692 SNM-183
Docket Number: 07000133
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager J. BUCKLEY

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Based on information in Clevite's licensing file, it was initially believed that contamination at the site would consist of uranium. However, during site characterization, thorium contamination was also discovered. The thorium contamination is limited mainly to a ventilation duct and the floor directly beneath the duct.

NRC received Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. "Site Characterization Survey/Termination Survey, Remediation, and Health and Safety Plan" on May 11, 1995. NRC reviewed and approved the site characterization portion of the plan on June 1, 1995. On June 4, 1996, Sevenson submitted a revision to the Clevite remediation plan. The Clevite Characterization Survey Summary was submitted to NRC on June 14, 1996. NRC reviewed the revised remediation plan and characterization summary, and transmitted comments to Sevenson on August 8, 1996. NRC received the final revised remediation plan in July 1997. NRC provided comments to Clevite in August 1997, and anticipates plan approval in September 1997. NRC expects remediation to begin in late September 1997, with completion in October 1997.

Sevenson has completed remediation in the southeast wing of the building. Sevenson is awaiting NRC approval of the remediation plan revision before beginning remediation of the more heavily contaminated west wing of the building.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep 1997
  • Oct 1997 Anticipated date for completion of remediation activities
  • Dec 1997 Anticipated date for receipt of Final Survey Report
  • Jan 1998 NRC completes review of Final Survey Report
  • Jun 1998 Anticipated date for removal of Clevite from SDMP


Cleveland Enterprise Group (CEG) has expressed concern over the amount of time taken to complete the decommissioning process.


Site Identification

Location: MIDLAND, MI
License No.: STB-527
Docket Number: 04000017
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager J. PARROTT

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The decommissioning plan was partially approved in July 1996 and fully approved in July 1997. The remediation approach and methods were approved in July 1996. The approval of the unrestricted use criteria, based on BTP option 1, and the final survey plan was granted in July 1997. Decommissioning activities are underway. The contaminated material is being shipped by rail and disposed of at Envirocare.

The licensee has completed removal of contamination at the Midland site and has requested a license amendment to remove the Midland site from the license.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Jan 1998 Licensee completes excavation and disposal of contaminated material
  • Jul 1998 Licensee terminates license
  • Oct 1998 Expected removal of site from SDMP


The licensee met with NRC in September 1997 to discuss complications that they are having with the removal of material at the Bay City site. They indicated that they might apply for a license amendment to decommission the Bay City site using the new decommissioning criteria and ask for a restricted release. Therefore, there is now some uncertainty as to the schedule dates for completion of decommissioning the Bay City site.

The site is in a wetlands. Therefore, there are potential issues with a restricted release that concern the State of Michigan and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authority over wetlands.


Site Identification

Location: MARIETTA, OH
License No.: NA
Docket Number: 04007708
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager C. PITTIGLIO

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Elkem submitted Phase I of their final survey report to NRC in March 1997, and NRC conducted Phase I of their confirmatory survey in June 1997. NRC completed Phase II of their confirmatory survey in August 1997. Elkem completed shipment of radioactive waste in early August 1997. NRC estimates that the site will be released for unrestricted use in January 1998, and is expected to be removed from the SDMP list at that time.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Jan 1998 Anticipated removal from SDMP.




Site Identification

License No.: SNM-185
Docket Number: 07000139
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager R. TURTIL

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The Engelhard decommissioning plan for contaminated buildings at the Plainville site was approved in April 1996. Remediation of the buildings was begun in June 1996 and was completed in October 1996. ORISE performed an independent confirmatory survey in January 1997. All affected building areas were released for unrestricted use, with the exception of a tunnel area that Engelhard will address in its decommissioning plan for exterior areas at the site.

Engelhard deferred submittal to the NRC of a decommissioning plan for contaminated soil and other exterior areas at the site. In July 1997, Engelhard submitted a plan to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts describing these decommissioning activities. NRC regulatory jurisdiction over this site was transferred to the Commonwealth pursuant to Section 274b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, when Massachusetts became an Agreement State in March 1997. The NRC plans no further action at this site.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Mar 1997 Transferred to Commonwealth of Massachusetts and removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

Location: MUSKOGEE, OK
License No.: SMB-911
Docket Number: 04007580
License Status: Active
Project Manager S. CHOTOO

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The Northwest Property was released for unrestricted use on August 27, 1996. A Finding of No Significant Impact for Fansteel's amendment request to process on-site residues (called Work-in-Progress or WIP material) was published in July 1996. The amendment was subsequently granted on March 25, 1997, after review of Fansteel's financial assurance mechanism was completed.

On September 30, 1997, Fansteel's Source Material License was renewed following the publication of a Finding of No Significant Impact in the Federal Register on July 24, 1997. Renewal authorizes processing of the WIP residues, groundwater collection and treatment, monitoring, maintenance, and laboratory activities. On July 30, 1997, Fansteel submitted an amendment application requesting processing of calcium fluoride material currently located on-site in waste treatment ponds. This activity was not authorized in the renewed license. Currently the amendment application is under review and an Environmental Assessment (EA) is being prepared to support this licensing action. The EA is expected to be completed by October 15, 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Completion of the Environmental Assessment that considers processing of the caclium fluoride waste treatment residues concurrently with the WIP residues as specified in the July 30, 1997 amendment request.
  • Nov 1997 Completion of review of the July 30, 1997, amendment request to process calcium fluoride material.


Although Fansteel has been given permission by the NRC to consider on-site disposal of contaminated soils in their decommissioning cost estimate, Fansteel has not been given permission to use this decommissioning option. In their decommissioning plan (dated June 1994 and updated March 1996), Fansteel proposed to begin construction of the disposal cell concurrently with processing of the pond residues. However, on-site disposal of contaminated soils is currently being considered as a separate licensing action from both renewal and the July 30, 1997, amendment request.

Fansteel's decommissioning plan proposes restricted release of the disposal cell area and unrestricted release of the remainder of the site. Fansteel has requested that the Department of Energy (DOE) take title to the restricted area of the site after closure and provide continuing monitoring and maintenance under Section 151(c) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. DOE has not indicated that it will take title to the site.

Although Fansteel has not proposed to decommission the site under the criteria for restricted release specified in the new decommissioning rule (10 CFR 20.1403), the licensee has indicated some interest in this option and will attend workshops on the new rule.


Site Identification

License No.: SMB-1541
Docket Number: 040-08980
License Status: Expired
Project Manager M. MILLER

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Heritage received an export license to transfer monazite sands as radioactive material to L&T Mining Company in Malaysia on May 2, 1997. Because the NRC-licensed portions of the site are within an area of enhanced background from State regulated radioactive material, the licensee proposes to define the boundaries of the NRC affected area and not perform additional surveys in unaffected areas. The licensee has selected a contractor to develop a final status survey plan. This plan has been under development since July 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Licensee to submit final status survey plan and revised decommissioning cost estimate
  • Dec 1997 Publish Survey Plan in Federal Register and solicit comments from NJDEP and public.


State of NJ objects to NRC's position that the combined tailings pile, which exceeds current unrestricted use criteria, is not subject to licensing since the pile is not currently licensed and contains <0.05 w/% uranium and thorium. Prior to approval of licensee's final status survey plan, NRC RI will provide NJDEP an opportunity to comment on final survey plan.


Site Identification

Location: MADISON, IN
License No.: SUB-1435
Docket Number: 04008838
License Status: Active
Project Manager C. PITTIGLIO

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The license was amended on May 8, 1996, resulting in the area south of the firing line being released for unrestricted use. In addition, Condition 13 was added to the license requiring the Army to submit, by July 15, 1996, for NRC approval, a Security Plan and an Environmental Monitoring Plan. These plans were submitted on schedule and NRC approved the plans in July 1996. NRC staff participated in "Jefferson Proving Ground Advisory Board" meetings. The advisory board, which is comprised of community members and technical experts, assesses progress on the remediation of the Jefferson Proving Ground.


The presence of unexploded ordnance, the associated risk and cost for cleanup of this material, as well as potential contamination of groundwater are complicating remediation. NRC staff needs to closely coordinate site actions with the State and EPA.


Site Identification

Location: TULSA, OK
License No.: NA
Docket Number: 04002377
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager R. TURTIL

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Kaiser is currently pursuing further hydrological characterization of the site. They have performed initial site characterization (report presented April 1995), and expect to complete the hydrological field work by December 1997. Kaiser is currently reviewing preliminary data generated by its field studies. Kaiser envisions that information currently being gathered will contribute to a database for geohydrology and other geologic, hydrologic, and local and regional environmental data. The objective of Kaiser's current characterization efforts is to identify potential exposure pathways, and to provide useful information for designing remediation alternatives at the Kaiser site.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • May 1998 Kaiser submits decommissioning pian to NRC Problems/Issues

The site contains a large volume of thorium contaminated soil and slag. The Kaiser site contains a small creek and two ponds. Accordingly, the site contains a great deal of water (mostly standing water), and Kaiser is completing further study to better characterize the site's hydrology.


Site Identification

Location: CRESENT, OK
License No.: SNM-928
Docket Number: 07000925
License Status: Expired
Project Manager K. KALMAN

Status of Decommissioning Activities

License amended in 11/94 for onsite disposal of up to 500,000 cubic feet of contaminated soil. Approximately 400,000 cubic were emplaced in two disposal pits and soil is currently being emplaced in a third pit. In 4/96, the license was amended to release, for unrestricted use, 695 acres of the 840 acre site. These 695 acres had no history of licensed activities and soil was below NRC's guidelines for unrestricted use. Cimarron will be requesting NRC approval for the release of additional individual small parcels of land. In 11/96, NRC approved Cimarron's request to backfill Phase III Subarea L noting that additional information, in connection with the final status survey, will be required before Subarea L can be released from the license. In 3/97 NRC approved Cimarron's Final Status Survey Plan for Phase II. In 6/97, Cimarron submitted its Final Status Survey Plan for Phase III. NRC transmitted comments in 10/97. In 7/97 Cimarron's license was amended to update license and incorporate a radiation protection plan (Amendment 14).

Cimarron submitted a radiological characterization report in 10/94 and a decommissioning plan in 4/95. There have been several iterations of comments on these documents. NRC comments of 7/97 indicated the need for further coordination with ODEQ on groundwater issues. NRC anticipates resolving groundwater issues in 11/97 and amending the license in 12/97 to approve the decommissioning plan and incorporate additional changes to the license and the radiation protection plan.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 1. NRC completes review of Phase III FSSP 2. Cimarron submits Phase II Subarea J FSSR
  • Nov 1997 1. NRC and ODEQ to resolve groundwater issue. 2. NRC to complete review of Phase II Subarea J FSSR
  • Dec 1997 NRC to amend license to: (a) approve and incorporatedecommissioning plan and (b) make additionmal changes to license and radiation protection plan
  • Jul 1999 Cimarron to complete decommissioning activities.
  • Dec 1999 NRC to terminate license.


1.   Groundwater samples have shown high levels of uranium, technetium-99, fluorides, and nitrates. In response, NRC (radiological) and ODEQ (non-radiological) are coordinating efforts to evaluate the source and extent of groundwater and subsurface contamination to determine what, if any, groundwater remediation will be required.

2.   Cimarron is in the process of using volumetric averaging to justify decommissioning Waste Ponds 1 and under BTP Option 1 criteria and will attempt a similar justification for onsite concrete rubble.


Site Identification

Location: CUSHING, OK
License No.: SNM-1999
Docket Number: 07003073
License Status: Expired
Project Manager S. BROWN

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee submitted a decommissioning plan (DP) for the site in April 1994, that included a request for onsite disposal. NRC reviewed the plan and provided comments. The licensee responded to the comments by letter dated March 29, 1996. In place of onsite disposal, the licensee proposes to ship the waste to Envirocare for disposal. The licensee, in its letter dated August 30, 1996, requested NRC to approve five portions of the DP by summer of 1997. The staff reviewed these portions of the DP, and responses to NRC requests for additional information, and concluded that the DP needed further revision. This information was provided to the licensee on May 22, 1997, in a working meeting on the subject. The licensee will submit DP revisions to address NRC concerns. NRC expects to complete its review of these sections of the DP by fall 1997.

Areas of the site designated as "unaffected" have been surveyed and released for unrestricted use (without removal from the license).

Final surveys of the Haul Road areas, designated "affected" and "undesignated," were completed in May l996. NRC conducted a confirmatory survey for these areas in August 1996.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 - (1) NRC to complete review of Pit 4 and storage area portions of DP, (2) Licensee to submit revised criteria, survey plans, and final survey portions of DP.




Site Identification

License No.: SUC-1380
Docket Number: 04008767
License Status: Active
Project Manager S. BROWN

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee met with NRC in March 1996 to discuss the schedule for decommissioning the site. The NRC agreed that separate decommissioning plans could be submitted for each of the following: 1) Area 10, sand pile; 2) 600-yard bullet catcher area and building 3A; and 3) impact areas. The licensee is reviewing historical information to assess the potential for radioactive contamination in other site areas.

NRC is reviewing a revised decommissioning plan for area 10. The licensee plans to submit revised decommissioning plans for the 600-yard bullet catcher and building 3A.

The staff is preparing a paper requesting Commission approval to transfer regulatory oversight of the LCAAP radioactive contamination remediation, except for area 10, the 600-yard bullet catcher, and building 3A, to EPA.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Dec 1997 Licensee to submit a revised decommissioning plan for 600-yard bullet catcher and building 3A.


The army's budgeting process will result in only a portion of the total Lake City Army Ammunition Plant site being decommissioned in any one fiscal year due to fiscal constraints.

Additional contamination may exist in area 8 (oil disposal) and in an onsite burial area.


Site Identification

License No.: NA
Docket Number: 04000861
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager J. BUCKLEY

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Contamination at the site consists of thorium.

In Fall 1994, Horizons submitted a claim to DOE for reimbursement of the costs for decommissioning. NRC deferred action pending a final decision on the Horizons claim by DOE. On June 22, 1995, DOE agreed to reimburse Horizons for the cost of decommissioning. On May 19, 1997, DOE approved Horizons' site investigation plan. On May 30, 1997, Horizons received formal authorization from DOE to begin spending funds on decommissioning activities.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Dec 1998 Removal from SDMP

Problems / Issues



Site Identification

Location: BAY CITY, MI
Docket Number: 04009015
License Status: Expired
Project Manager J. PARROTT

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In the 1970s, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) gained title to property (Hartley & Hartley Landfill) contaminated with thorium. The thorium came from a defunct former licensee. Because the site contains a licensable quantity of thorium, MDNR submitted a license application and a decommissioning funding plan in February 1997. These were reviewed by NRC staff and comments were sent to the licensee in July 1997. The licensee responded in September 1997. The staff is reviewing the response and expects to issue the license by the end of calender year 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Dec 1997 NRC issues license Problems/Issues

The site also contains hazardous wastes. The MDNR is using the Michigan Environmental Resource Act (State superfund law) to identify potentially responsible parties for the remediation of the site.


Site Identification

License No.: SNM-764,SMB-239
Docket Number: 04001020
License Status: Expired
Project Manager J. BUCKLEY

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Contamination at the site consists of uranium and thorium contaminated scrap materials (lockers, piping duct work, and other scrap) sealed in steel drums and buried under a minimum of 4 feet of soil in accordance with former 10 CFR 20.304. A total of four burials occurred consisting of a total of 674 drums and unpackaged waste. The total amount of waste estimated to be buried at the site is 1.51 millicuries of Th 232, 3.11 millicuries of U 238 natural, and 11.99 millicuries of U235 (93% enriched)

In May 1995, NRC notified 3M that a decision on overall site management of the 3M-Kerrick site would be deferred pending promulgation of the rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning and completion of the Shieldalloy DEIS. On August 20, 1997, NRC notified 3M that the Shieldalloy DEIS does not provide information directly applicable to the 3M site. In addition, NRC requested that 3M provide a schedule for decommissioning the site.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Feb 1998 3M will submit Decommissioning Plan
  • Apr 1998 NRC approval of 3M Decommissioning Plan




Site Identification

Location: YORK, PA
License No.: SMB-1408
Docket Number: 04008794
License Status: Active
Project Manager L. PERSON

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Molycorp has requested an amendment to decontaminate the site and move 4000 cubic yards of soil type waste to its Washington facility for temporary (5-10 years) storage. The waste will ultimately either be disposed of in a permanent disposal unit on the Washington site, or shipped to a commercial low-level waste disposal facility. This request is being reviewed. The Licensee has submitted an addendum 1 to the Site Decommissioning Plan. An environmnental assessment is being prepared for evaluation of the request to store waste on an interim basis at Washington.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Date for NRC to complete review of licensee amendment request for storage of York waste at the Washington Molycop facility.


Approval of the site decommissioning plan will be contingent on approval of license amendment request to store waste at Washington site.


Site Identification

License No.: SMB-1393
Docket Number: 04008778
License Status: Active
Project Manager L. PERSON

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee requested an amendment to the Washington, PA, License (SMB-1393) to allow the temporary (5-10 yrs) storage of decommissioning waste from the York (SMB-1408) PA, plant. In April 1996, the licensee submitted additional information regarding the geohydrology at the interim storage site. This information is being reviewed. The licensee also submitted a site decommissioning plan in July 1995, but approval of this plan (including the above mentioned interim storage of York waste at this site) cannot be assessed prior to a decision regarding the storage amendment request.

The Licensee recently held an open house at the Canton Township Fire Hall. The meeting received press coverage. A representative from Congressman Frank Mascara's Office. Local residents, generally, do not want waste from the York facility shipped to the Washington plant for temporary storage or disposal. Many residents fear decreasing property values will result. The Licensee submitted an environmental report in April 1997 and it is undergoing an acceptance review.

The licensee has completed cleanup of a 30 X 400 foot contaminated area located offsite on a property known as the Findlay Refractory. The Findlay property was released for unrestricted use after an inspection indicated the cleanup was successful and that the formerly contaminated area met NRC criteria for unrestricted release for thorium contaminated soils. The excavated soil has been packaged in 184 roll-offs and stored on the Washington Molycorp site. There has been an allegation regarding the roll-offs being stored in the 100 year flood plain. This allegation has been examined and it has been determined that the roll-offs are located in the 100 year flood plain but that no regulation has been violated and no safety hazard exists.

In May 97, the licensee submitted an environmental report to support its request for onsite disposal of decommissioning waste

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Date for the completion of amendment for storage of York waste at the Washington Facility.


Molycorp has indicated a preference for on-site disposal of radioactive waste at the Washington Site.


Site Identification

License No.:
Docket Number: 03018276
License Status: Expired
Project Manager S. NALLUSWAMI

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In October 1996, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) submitted a decommissioning plan for non-lagoon areas. NRC is currently reviewing the plan. The decommissioning plan describes the NEORSD approach to the remediation of the non-lagoon areas, as well as a proposal for the final disposition of the stockpiled Co-60 contaminated soil and sludge that resulted from previous lagoon remediation.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 NRC completes review of decommissioning plan for non-lagoon areas
  • Jul 1998 NEORSD begins decommissioning activities in non-lagoon areas




Site Identification

Location: CONCORD, MA
License No.: SMB-179
Docket Number: 04000672
License Status: Active

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The Nuclear Metals site was transferred to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on becoming an Agreement State on March 31, 1997. The Commonwealth is expected to approve the decommissioing plan.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Mar 1997 Transferred to Commonwealth of Massachusetts and removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

Location: KARTHAUS, PA
License No.: 37-17860-02
Docket Number: 03029288
License Status: Active
Project Manager S. SHAFFER

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In July 1997, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania initiated the bidding process to select a remediation contractor based on the draft decommissioning plan. The final decommissioning plan will be developed by the remediation contractor. The Project Manager conducted a site visit at the end of April 1997. The remediation contractor is scheduled to be chosen by the end of September 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Jan 1998 Permagrain submits decommissioning plan Problems / Issues

Availability of state funds has been a problem in the past. State representatives indicate sufficient funds have been authorized to develop and implement a decommissioning plan.


Site Identification

Location: PULASKI, PA
License No.: NA
Docket Number: 04008406
License Status: Expired
Project Manager M. ROBERTS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In March 1996, the EPA submitted an amended engineering evaluation/cost analysis (EA/CA) for site clean-up alternatives. The EA/CA was reviewed by the magistrate assigned the Pesses bankruptcy case and the defendants in the EPA lawsuit (Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs)). The defendants signed a Consent Order with the EPA Region 3, in August 1996, to remediate the contaminated soil. The signed order has been lodged with the magistrate and public comments solicited. The Department of Justice has petitioned the court for entry of the consent decree. Envirocare has granted preliminary acceptance of the waste from the site.

A consent decree between EPA and the PRP's was signed on June 20,1997, by the local magistrate. The PRPs have selected a supervisory contractor, who prepared the remediation workplan. A remediatoin workplan was submitted to the EPA in August 1997 and Region I provided telephone comments. Site activities should commence in October 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 Defendants begin remediation of site




Site Identification

License No.: SMB-602
Docket Number: 04002384
License Status: Expired
Project Manager R. ULECK

Status of Decommissioning Activities

RMI submitted a decommissioning plan and supporting documents in April 1995. Staff reviewed the plan and sent RMI comments, and the licensee responded to staff comments. The review of RMI's responses will be completed in September 1997.

RMI is currently undertaking site preparation activities for decommissioning of buildings, soils, and groundwater. These activities include: offsite shipment of wastes generated from extrusion operations; decontamination and dismantlement of tools and equipment in the plant; and construction of an onsite staging area for shipment of wastes

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep 1997 NRC issued license amendment approving decommissioning plan. RMI starts soil remediation activities.
  • Oct 1997 NRC staff performs site inspection.
  • Oct 1998 RMI starts building remediation activities.
  • Feb 2002 RMI completes soil and building remediation.


Decommissioning progress is dependent on DOE funding levels and priorities.


Site Identification

Location: ROCKAWAY, NJ
License No.: 29-13613-02
Docket Number: 03007022
License Status: Expired
Project Manager A. DIMITRIADIS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

RTI collected core samples at the site in May 1996 to provide evidence of RTI's assertion that no subsurface contamination, or onsite burials, exist on the site. RTI provided a final site survey report in May 1996 with a request to remove the site from SDMP list.

Region I collected split samples from the facility in May 1996 to confirm that no subsurface contamination remains on site. Based on the results of the soil samples, in December 1996 the staff prepared a Commission paper which recommended the removal of this site from the SDMP list.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Feb 1997 Removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

License No.: 37-00030-02
Docket Number: 03005980
License Status: Active
Project Manager J. KOTTAN

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee's Site Characterization Contractor, Monserco, completed onsite work in December 1995. Region I staff visited the Monserco Labs in Canada in March 1996, and believes that the laboratory (equipment, procudures, and staff) is qualified to produce reliable analytical results. The characterization report was submitted to NRC on September 5, 1996. The site characterization report has been reviewed by the NRC, and the NRC has notified the licensee that the site characterization report can be used for planning site remediation.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep1998 NRC performs routine inspection Problems/Issues

No action is expected on the site, even though characterization has confirmed the presence of radiologically contaminated waste in soil, buildings, and groundwater. The ability of the licensee to fund remediation remains questionable. The NRC has held, and will be holding, discussions with EPA and DOJ regarding the distribution of licensee insurance settlement funds to past and future remediation costs at Safety Light facilities.


Site Identification

Location: LIVONIA, MI
License No.: SUC-1565
Docket Number: 04009022
License Status: Active
Project Manager J. PARROTT

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The licensee completed site characterization in 1996. The buried thorium wastes were not located.

There are hazardous wastes present at the site and therefore the site is also being regulated under the State's superfund law. The ultimate fate of the NRC licensed material will likely hinge on the ultimate decision record for the hazardous material. Because of this, the licensee has requested an extension until September 1998 for submittal of the decommissioning plan so that a decision about the remediation of the hazardous and radioactive materials can be made concurrently. This request is being reviewed.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Sep 1998 Licensee submits Decommissioning Plan Problems/Issues

There are hazardous wastes present at the site and the site is being regulated under the State superfund law.


Site Identification

Location: DURYEA, PA
License No.: STB-988
Docket Number: 04007924
License Status: Active
Project Manager M. MILLER

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Site decommissioning started in mid-August 1996. The licensee submitted a revised final status survey in response to NRC comments and inspection activities completed in February 1997. The licensee's response adequately addressed the capped landfill, however, there were a few remaining details regarding some fixed contamination in the manufacturing building and the quantification of the fixed contamination. The licensee has agreed to remediate the two identified areas and also conduct limited sampling for fixed contamination in the manufacturing building. These activities were completed and documentation is expected by Octoberr 31, 1997.

A public meeting is to be scheduled for September to inform the public of the onsite disposal of thoriated glass and the results of the licensee's final survey and NRC's Confirmatory Survey.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov 1997 Conduct public meeting to inform public of NRC's plans to terminate the license and release the facility for unrestricted use.
  • Dec 1997 Draft Commission Paper informing Commission that all actions outlined in SRM regarding Schott have been completed and provide notification of termination of license and SDMP removal.




Site Identification

Location: GORE, OK
License No.: SUB-1010
Docket Number: 04008027
License Status: Expired
Project Manager J. SHEPHERD

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In October 1993, NRC issued an Order to SFC and GA, the parent corporation, to provide $86 million of financial assurance in accordance with requirements of 10 CFR 40.36. In August 1995, NRC and SFC signed an agreement whereby SFC would devote its net assets and revenues to decommissioning. This settlement was approved by the Atomic Safety and Licensing 13oard Panel (ASLBP) in October 1995. In July 1996, a settlement was reached with GA, whereby GA would establish a trust fund (~$l0 million) for decommissioning the site. Both settlements have been appealed to the Commission by NACE.

SFC submitted a site characterization report in February 1996, which is currently under review by Staff. SFC has responded to the first round of comments.


  • SFC's proposal to rely on on-site disposal of large quantities of radiological and hazardous waste in excess of unrestricted release limits
  • The potential exists for extensive litigation over funding and alternative selection and implementation during the decommissioning process.
  • Classification of the ground water system underlying the SFC facility as potable or non-potable will have a strong impact on the scope of the selected remediation alternative. The state of OK has declined to make a judgment, stating it is the responsibility of NRC. EPA Region 6 is doing the classification under RCRA, and in accordance with the site-specific MOU between NRC and EPA.  Depending on remediation alternative selected, uncertainty in financial assurance to support the long-term decommissioning effort

There is potential competition between EPA, who has signed an Administrative Order on Consent under RCRA, and NRC for the limited funds available for decommissioning the site. There is close coordination between the agencies on this issue.

The Commission is reviewing the settlement agreements of 1993 NRC Order to SFC and GA to provide $86 million in financial assurance. The decision is appealable to Federal Circuit Court of Appeals.


Site Identification

License No.: SMB-1507
Docket Number: 04008948
License Status: Expired
Project Manager J. KENNEDY

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The draft EIS, published in July 1996, evaluates various decommissioning options for the site, including a description of the environmental impacts and costs of each. The licensee's preferred alternative is the onsite stabilization of the slag piles. A public meeting was held in Cambridge Ohio, on September 16, 1996, to receive comments from the public on the DEIS. The formal comment period closed on November 30, 1996. More than 200 pages of comments were received, both in writing and in the public meetings, and each of these will be analyzed in the Final EIS. The draft EIS found that there was no clearly superior alternative to the licensee's preferred approach, and that the licensee's approach would be acceptable as a method for decommissioning the site. A final decision will not be made, however, until the FEIS is completed.

The two slag piles contain some 7 million cubic feet of slightly radioactive slag from previous metal processing operations at the facility. If the onsite disposal alternative is approved, the license will be terminated under the new restricted release provisions of 10 CFR Part 20 issued on July 21, 1997, by the Commission.

The State of Ohio has conducted a CERCLA review of this site under a consent order, to evaluate chemical wastes that are contained in the slag piles, and their effort has been done in parallel with NRC's NEPA review. The State and NRC have coordinated their efforts to help ensure that a consistent approach for remediation and decommissioning is imposed on the license by the State and Federal governments. The State has concluded that onsite disposal of the slag piles is acceptable.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Feb 1998 Publish FEIS, notice in FR
  • Mar 1998 Issue Record of Decision


There are no major issues at this time. The final EIS is being prepared, public comments are being resolved, and the State and NRC have thus far reached similar conclusions about the preferred alternative. Further, the licensee has exited its bankruptcy proceeding, and the court has set aside money that should be sufficient to accomplish decommissioning, if the proposed alternative is approved.

A related issue is slag that was taken offsite in the 1970's and early 80s and used as fill material for driveways, foundations, etc in homes and commercial properties. NRC and the State of Ohio are jointly working with the previous owner of the faciltiy, Cyprus Foote Mineral Co, to evaluate and clean up these properties where necessary to protect public health and safety. This issue has had significant public and Congressional interest. In June 1997, the first residential properties were remediated and material returned to the Shieldalloy site.


Site Identification

Location: NEWFIELD, NJ
License No.: SMB-1507
Docket Number: 04007102
License Status: Active
Project Manager H. ASTWOOD

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The NRC staff is currently reviewing a license renewal application for the SMC site. NRC published an opportunity for a hearing on the proposed renewal licensing action on July 1, 1997 [62 FR 35531]. An Environmental Assessment for the renewal and a FONSI are being prepared and, once finalized, will be published in the Federal Register. NRC is also reviewing SMC's baghouse release request.

Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation (SMC) is currently in timely renewal. SMC's processing activities produce slag and baghouse dust which are contaminated with uranium, thorium, and their daughter products. There is approximately 18,000 m3 of slag and approximately 15,000 m3 of baghouse dust stored on-site. In 1992, SMC filed for bankruptcy protection, in part, due to the large environmental liabilities (waste disposal) associated with this site, and the site in Cambridge, OH. Projected disposal costs for radioactive wastes at both Shieldalloy sites in 1992 were in the range of 500 million dollars. Decommissioning, waste disposal, and financial assurance issues have been a primary focus for Shieldalloy and NRC over the last several years. NRC initiated an Environmental Impact Statement on waste disposal at both Shieldalloy sites in November 1993. However, NRC suspended development of the EIS on the Newfield site in 1995 in response to a request from Shieldalloy due to changes in the licensee's plans for the slag. Shieldalloy is actively seeking a buyer for both the slag, which can be used as a fluidizer by steel manufacturer, and for the baghouse dust, which can be substituted for lime in the production of cement. If suitable buyers are found, and NRC approves of the sale, the volumes of waste which must be disposed of at the time of decommissioning can be greatly reduced. SMC requested NRC in 1997 to authorize release of the baghouse dust to a non-licensed facility because it contains less than 0.05 weight percent uranium and thorium.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov 1997 SER and license renewal complete by NRC.


In the past, Shieldalloy has found it difficult to sell its slag material. Several attempts to export the material have failed. If no suitable buyer can be found for the slag, SMC will have to dispose of the material as waste at a high cost

The site is also on the National Priorities list under CERCLA because of past operations involving chromium contaminated on-site groundwater. Remediation of the groundwater is currently in progess.


Site Identification

License No.: SNM-23
Docket Number: 07000033
License Status: Terminated
Project Manager M. ROBERTS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

SECY-97-061 was submitted to the Commission on March 14,1997 informing that the staff intends to terminate the license and remove the site from the SDMP list prior to MA becoming an Agreement State on March 21, 1997. The Commissioners, in a March 18, 1997 memo did not object to removing the site from the SDMP. The license was terminated on March 21, 1997. The NRC plans no further action on this site.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Mar 1997 Removed from the SDMP




Site Identification

License No.: 20-01010-04   SUB-238   SNM-244
Docket Number: 04002253
License Status: Expired
Project Manager M. ROBERTS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Arsenal: The termination survey report for the facility was reviewed by NRC. The ORISE confirmatory survey was completed in 1996. The confirmatory survey report was reviewed by NRC. The Commission Paper to approve release of the arsenal property for unrestricted use was approved in July 1997. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is dealing with residual hazardous waste issues on the site. The Mall site remains on the SDMP.

Mall: The Corps of Engineers submitted a risk assessment to the NRC in September, 1996. The Risk Assessment was reviewed by Region I. NRC will request additional information from the Corps of Engineers by October 1997 to resolve the issue of potentialy contaminated drain lines remaining on the Mall property.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Oct 1997 NRC to request additional information regarding potentially contaminated drain lines on Mall property




Site Identification

License No.: NA
Docket Number: 040-WT/GSA
License Status: Expired
Project Manager M. MILLER

Status of Decommissioning Activities

In 1994, a characterization survey identified contamination in other areas of the site. Additional characterization of the burn pit and other areas of the site continued into 1995. The Corps of Engineers submitted the final characterization survey report in January 1996. It is currently completing a site-wide Risk Assessment Study to determine if additional radiological remediation is necessary.

The characterization report also contains a groundwater contamination assessment. Preliminary results indicate that no soluble radiological contamination was identified. A meeting was conducted in August 1997 to determine what issues remain outstanding. The site is in the MA Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment stage with remediation feasibility to occur in 1998, followed by remediation expected in 1999.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Dec 1997 Review Corp of Engineers Risk Assessment Study.
  • Feb 1998 Send TAR to NMSS regarding groundwater data and GSA's recommendations for burn pit disposition.


The subsurface volume of the site is approximately 80% building rubble. The water table on the site is less than one foot from the surface and seasonal1y floods a major portion of the property. The presence of the high water table and the building rubble has delayed remediation activities and makes the detection of depleted uranium metal difficult.


Site Identification

Location: MADISON, PA
License No.: SNM-770
Docket Number: 07000698
License Status: Active
Project Manager M. ROBERTS

Status of Decommissioning Activities

Region I renewed the NRC license for the site in March 1997.

The licensee has compiled an experienced group of Westinghouse staff and contractors to address the remediation of the entire site. This group, NUMEGA (consisting of Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Morrison Knudsen, and Public Service Company of Colorado) has transmitted a Remediation plan for the areas of the site under the SNM-770 license. Region I has approved preliminary site preparation work (removal of above ground tanks, an office trailer, and a small building), but no removal of soil. The areas of the site covered under the TR-2 test reactor license will be separately addressed by this group and a decommissioning plan was sent to NRC in July 1997. Some coordinaton with the NRR staff will be necessary to ensure that the NRC is consistent in its direction to the licensee. Region I staff met with the licensee representatives at the site in April, June, July and September 1997 to discuss the remediation plan. NRC expects to transmit a deficiency letter on the remediation plan in fall 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov 1997 NRC transmits remediation plan deficiency letter




Site Identification

License No.: SMA-1018
Docket Number: 04007455
License Status: Active
Project Manager T. HUFFERT

Status of Decommissioning Activities

A Decommissioning Plan was submitted in February 1996. The Decommissioning Plan focuses on the proposal to consolidate the contaminated slag into one centralized area on the site and remediate the remaining areas. However, the final disposition of the consolidated slag is not discussed. Whittaker commits to submit a plan for the ultimate resolution of the slag at some unspecified future date. NRC has drafted comments in response to Whittaker's Decommissioning Plan for waste consolidation.

NRC staff conducted an inspection of the Greenville site in August 1997 and, based on the findings of the inspection, a follow-up inspection is scheduled for November 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Nov 1997 NRC follow-up inspection
  • Feb 1998 NRC approves on-site consolidation of contaminated slag
  • Jul 1998 Whittaker completes waste consolidation
  • Oct 1998 NRC releases remediated areas of site


The site contains large volumes of thorium contaminated slag. An August 1997 NRC inspection of the site identified minor violations of license conditions concerning the licensee's frequency of performing groundwater and erosion monitoring. A follow-up inspection is scheduled for November 1997 to further evaluate the licensee's environmental monitoring program.


Site Identification

License No.: NA
Docket Number: 40-1650
License Status: Terminated

Status of Decommissioning Activities

The Wyman-Gordan site was transferred to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on becoming an Agreement State on March 31, 1997.

NRC/Licensee Actions and Schedule

  • Mar 1997 Transferred to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and removed from the SDMP






  • Radiological Criteria for License Termination" (62 FR 39058).
  • Timeliness in Decommissioning of Materials Facilities" (58 FR 36026).
  • Decommissioning, Record keeping, and License Termination: Documentation Additions" (58 FR 39628).
  • Clarification of Decommissioning Funding Requirements" (60 FR38235).


  • Manual Chapter 2602, "Decommissioning Inspection Program for Fuel Cycle Facilities and Materials Licensees."
  • Inspection Procedure 87104, "Decommissioning Inspection Procedure for Materials Licensees."
  • Inspection Procedure 88104, "Decommissioning Inspection Procedure for Fuel Cycle Facilities."
  • Information Notice 96-47, "Record-keeping and Decommissioning Notifications for Disposals of Radioactive Waste by Land Burial Authorized under Former 10 CFR 20.304, 20.302, and Current 20.2002."
  • NUREG/BR-0241, "NMSS Handbook for Decommissioning Fuels Cycle and Materials Licensees."
  • Draft NUREG/CR-5849, "Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination."
  • Draft Branch Technical Position on "Screening Methodology for Assessing Prior Land Burials of Radioactive Waste Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304 and 20.302," (61 FR 56716).



In March 1997, the staff published the Nuclear Regulatory Commission "Materials Decommissioning Handbook" (hereafter, Handbook), which provides a basis for classifying decommissioning cases according to complexity and risk, and provides appropriate level of review for each type of case. However, the Handbook's treatment of decommissioning plan reviews reflects current practice where licensees submit detailed decommissioning plans.

The staff has noted that, in many cases, more information is being submitted, in decommissioning plans, than is necessary to make a health and safety finding. In some cases, decommissioning plans may be submitted without actually being required. Additional guidance is needed for licensees on when to submit a decommissioning plan and on the content of the plan. Also, licensees that transition from operations to decommissioning may be retaining license conditions that are unnecessary for decommissioning. Nonetheless, NRC inspectors are obligated to enforce the license and may identify violations with minimal health and safety implications. This is not an efficient use of either the licensee's or NRC's limited resources. The staff will include these two issues in the Direction-Setting Issue No. 9 pilot program and workshop scheduled for early 1998. After the workshop, the staff will develop a standard review plan (SRP), in the 1998-1999 time frame, that covers the transition from operations to decommissioning, and ensures that decommissioning plans contain only that information necessary to address the health and safety issues that arise because of the decommissioning activities. The SRP will serve as guidance for both the NRC staff and licensees.

The decommissioning inspection program will be streamlined to reduce or eliminate the inspection of lower-risk, previously inspected, program areas, and to focus inspection on key decommissioning activities and milestones to enhance confidence that the licensees approach to decommissioning is adequate. For example, this approach will result in a change to the existing policy of inspecting each SDMP site annually, whether decommissioning activities are being conducted or not. The staff believes that in many cases the inspection of inactive sites can be covered by an annual licensee certification that the site is properly secured. To better coordinate licensing and inspection activities, and to manage decommissioning inspection priorities, a master inspection plan is being developed by the Division of Waste Management, in close coordination with the regions. A list and schedule of key decommissioning milestones and activities can be developed under the existing paradigm of licensees submitting detailed decommissioning plans. However, this effort should be more efficient and concise when the contents of the decommissioning plan and the license are simplified, and more focused on the health and safety issues specifically arising from unique decommissioning activities, as envisioned through the implementation of the standard review plan discussed above.

The staff has completed an effort to streamline decommissioning inspection activities that address the sufficiency of licensee final survey programs. The "final survey program" is the licensee's approach to measure and document the residual contamination levels in a building, or in soil, to demonstrate compliance with NRC's decommissioning criteria. In the past, the staff relied almost exclusively on contractors' confirmatory measurements to provide confidence that the final survey programs at SDMP sites generated data of sufficient quality and accuracy. The purpose of streamlining was to reduce the contractor support for conducting these confirmatory surveys while maintaining appropriate oversight of licensee final survey programs. The contract support has been reduced from a high of $1.5 million in fiscal year 1995 to $300,000 in fiscal year 1998. To compensate for the reduction in contract support, the decommissioning inspection procedures were revised to provide more detailed guidance on inspecting final survey programs. Greater emphasis will be placed on ensuring that the programs contain adequate quality assurance, and are technically defensible, while less emphasis will be placed on NRC confirmatory measurements. For most sites, there will be a minimal number of confirmatory measurements, and the measurements will be performed by the NRC staff. If the inspections of the final survey program result in significant violations or concerns that cannot be readily resolved, or if the site is very complex or involves unique technical issues, the contractor may be used to perform more detailed confirmatory measurements. Additional licensee guidance will be developed on the required content of quality assurance programs. This shift in emphasis has placed additional responsibilities on the regional inspection program. However, the increased resources needed for the final survey program inspections should be offset by the reduction in the number of inspections of lower-risk activities.

The staff is also implementing a "transition plan" for ensuring high-quality, efficient operations of the NRC radioanalytical laboratories. The transition plan was developed to ensure an effective transfer of laboratory responsibility from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), after the elimination of NRR's Independent Radiochemical Measurements Program. The laboratories are needed to support NMSS decommissioning inspection activities. The transition plan calls for the consolidation of the laboratories from each of the four regions into two laboratories, located in Region I and Region III. The consolidation will increase the efficiency of each laboratory because of increased sample throughput that is closer to each laboratory's capacity. In addition, the standard of performance for the two laboratories will be upgraded, and more attention will be paid to interlaboratory consistency. The transition effort, and the master inspection plan, will result in more efficient planning for sample collection and analysis and should provide more timely and accurate input for the decision process.



In SECY-96-207 the Commission indicated that it was concerned about the turnover in SDMP Project Managers and suggested that the impacts on the SDMP sites be tracked to provide a basis for judging the effectiveness of the turnover process. The Commission also requested that the staff report on the impacts during the next annual Commission briefing on the SDMP.

Eleven Project Manager turnovers occurred at 10 SDMP sites between October 1996 and September 1997. The reasons for the turnover in Project Managers were workload balancing (3 sites), personnel promotion or transfer (4 sites), or separation from NRC (4 sites).

In 5 cases there was no discernable impact on the decommissioning project. In 4 cases the transfer had a positive impact, as the transfer increased the pace of the NRC staff's efforts or oversight on the project. In one case, the Babcock & Wilcox Shallow Land Disposal Area (B&W SLDA), the turnover was one factor which adversely affected the quality of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which was subsequently withdrawn. In a second case, Shieldalloy-Newfield, the transfer may have a negative effect on the project as the transfer may delay the issuance of the license renewal for the facility for 3 months while the new Project Manager becomes familiar with the case. The following table summarizes the staff's evaluation of the impact that Project Manager turnover has had on the decommissioning of sites on the SDMP.

B&W Parks Township, Operating Facility Workload balancing Positive - Increased pace of staff efforts
B&W Parks Township, Shallow Land Disposal Area Personnel promotion/transfer Negative - adversely affected quality of draft EIS
B&W Parks Township, Shallow Land Disposal Area Workload balancing None
Cabot - Boyertown Personnel separation Positive - Increased pace of staff efforts
Cabot - Reading Personnel transfer None
Cabot - Revere Personnel transfer None
Fansteel Personnel separation None
Permagrain Workload balancing Positive - Increased pace of staff efforts
Shieldalloy-Newfield Personnel transfer Negative - Possible 3 month delay in issuing license renewal
Watertown Arsenal/Mall Personnel separation None
Watertown, GSA Personnel separation Positive - Increased pace of staff efforts

SDMP Project Managers - 1996-1997


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012