Submission Number: 561789-00004 

Received: 8/8/2012 12:47:04 PM
Commenter: Carol  Golay
State: Washington

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: 16 CFR Part 312; Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule; Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Project No. P104503
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
My baby is growing up in the digital age and I am vigilent about protecting him from media images. Please do not give companies access to children's online information. I am the parent who does not subscribe to cable, who wants my child to grow up playing outside. I also want my child to be able to accesss computer websites without companies tracking his information. I can opt to have him spend less time on the computer (and will) if access to his information is granted, but I would like to see us protect children. I know consumers want his information, but does it really make us a better society to promote such consumerism? Remember when we taught our kids to be inventors?