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Retired July 31, 1956.   Died June 16, 1974.

Kenneth Perry McNaughton was born in Alto, Mich., in 1903. Graduating from the U.S. Military Academy June 12, 1926, he was commissioned a second lieutenant of Field Artillery and assigned with the 14th Field Artillery at Fort Sheridan, Ill. In July 1927 he transferred to the Third Field Artillery at that post.

Entering the Air Corps Primary Flying School at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas in March 1928, General McNaughton completed the course in November and entered the Air Corps Advanced Flying School, from which he graduated in February 1929. A month later he joined the 88th Observation Squadron at Fort Sill, Okla., and in May 1929 transferred from the Field Artillery to the Air Corps, becoming adjutant of Air Corps troops at Fort Sill in July 1929.

Enrolling in the Photographic Course at the Air Corps Technical School at Chanute Air Force Base, Ill., in October 1930, General McNaughton completed the course in July 1931 and two months later assumed command of the 11th Photographic Section, Fifth Composite Air Group, at Luke Air Force Base, Hawaii. In March 1934 the General moved with the 11th Photo Section to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and the following October returned to the United States to become an instructor at the Air Corps Primary Flying School at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Appointed commanding officer of the 20th Photo Section at Randolph Air Force Base in December 1934, General McNaughton assumed command of the Flying Cadet Detachment at that station in July 1936. Entering the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in September 1938, he graduated in May 1939 and became district supervisor of the Western District, Air Corps Training Detachment, at Glendale, Calif.

Assigned to the West Coast Air Corps Training Center at Moffett Air Force Base, Calif., in July 1941, the general was appointed executive officer of the center in February 1942 and five months later became assistant chief of staff for operations. In November 1942 he moved to Fort Worth, Texas as assistant chief of staff for operations of the Army Air Force Flying Training Command, later redesignated Army Air Force Training Command. In July 1944 the general assumed duties as deputy chief of staff and the following September became chief of staff of the Training Command.

Going to the Pacific Ocean Area in May 1945, General McNaughton served as director of administration of the Strategic Air Forces on Guam, and later became chief of staff, remaining in that position until the U.S. Army Strategic Air Force was succeeded by the Pacific Air Command late in 1941. He then joined the Pacific Air Command, U.S. Army Headquarters at Manila, Philippine Islands, and in February 1946 was named chief of staff of the Eighth Air Force on Okinawa. The following July the general became chief of staff of the First Air Division in that theater and a month later returned to Pacific Air Command, U.S. Army Headquarters as assistant chief of staff for operations.

In August 1947 General McNaughton entered the National War College in Washington D.C., graduated the following May and was named chief of the Training Division, Office of the Director of Training and Requirements, Air Force Headquarters, becoming director of training and requirements in December 1948.

When the Directorate of Training and Requirements was divided in August 1949, General McNaughton was appointed chief of the newly created Directorate of Training, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. In February 1951 he became special assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, and the following May joined the Air Training Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill., as vice commander.

In July 1953 General McNaughton was named vice commander of the Far East Air Force at Tokyo, Japan, and on July 1, 1956 returned to the United States where on July 31, 1956 he retired from active duty.

His decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Bronze Star Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, and the Order of the British Empire (Honorary Commander). He is rated a command pilot, combat and aircraft observer.

He was promoted to first lieutenant (permanent) Feb. 5, 1932; to captain (permanent) June 12, 1936; to major (temporary) Nov. 16, 1940; to lieutenant colonel (temporary) Jan. 5, 1942; to colonel (temporary) March 1, 1942; to major (permanent) June 12, 1943; to brigadier general (temporary) Sept. 27, 1943; to colonel (permanent) April 2, 1948; to major general (temporary) Dec. 21, 1948; to brigadier general (permanent) Jan. 27, 1950; to major general (permanent) Oct. 9, 1951.

(Up to date as of July 1956)


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