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Information > Biographies > BRIGADIER GENERAL STEWART S. MAXEY

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Retired May 1, 1962.   Died June 1, 1966.

Stewart Sherman Maxey was born in Caldwell, Idaho, in 1907. He graduated from Caldwell High School in 1923 and entered the College of Idaho in Caldwell in September 1923. He attended there for two years and then enrolled in the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. He graduated with a bachelor of arts in 1927. He reentered in September 1927 and received his bachelor of law in May 1929.

He was admitted to the Idaho Bar June 13, 1929 and practiced law in Caldwell until March 1940.

In March 1933, he joined Headquarters Troop, 116th Cavalry of the Idaho National Guard and rose to the grade of staff sergeant by March 1, 1934. On March 2, 1934 he was appointed judge advocate in the Guard with a grade of captain and was subsequently promoted to major.

He resigned March 13, 1940 to accept a commission in the Judge Advocate Generals Department, Reserve, in the grade of captain. On April 5, 1940 he came on active duty in the Judge Advocate Generals Department, War Department, Washington, D.C. He was commissioned a captain in the regular Army Aug. 19, 1940.

In September 1940, Captain Maxey became staff judge advocate for the 6th Division at Fort Snelling, Minn. On Dec. 1, 1940 he was assigned as staff judge advocate for the Northwest Air District (redesignated 2nd Air Force) at Spokane, Wash., an assignment he held until May 1943.

During this assignment he supervised purchase of real estate for about 20 air bases in the Northwest. He was promoted to major Feb. 1, 1942 and lieutenant colonel on March 1, 1942. A year later he was promoted to the grade of colonel.

In May 1943 Colonel Maxey became staff judge advocate for 5th Air Force with headquarters at Brisbane, Australia, and later in New Guinea and the Philippines. In June 1944 he became staff judge advocate for the newly formed Far East Air Force headquarters. He returned to the United States in February 1946.

Colonel Maxey became deputy judge advocate general at Headquarters Army Air Force in March 1946 and remained in Washington until April 1949. While assigned to Washington, he was the Air Force military representative on the joint committee drafting the uniform code of military justice, with full authority to bind the Air Force.

In April 1949 Colonel Maxey became staff judge advocate for 4th Air Force at Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif., and later staff judge advocate for Western Air Defense Force in 1950. In November 1950 he transferred to Headquarters Continental Air Command, Mitchel Air Force Base, N.Y., as staff judge advocate.

From September 1952 until November 1955 he was staff judge advocate for Air Defense Command with headquarters at Colorado Springs, Colo., and then became staff judge advocate for U.S. Air Forces in Europe, at Wiesbaden, Germany. While in Germany he was responsible for court martial, claims and international law matters involving civilian and military personnel stationed in 22 countries.

He remained there until November 1958 at which time he came to Military Air Transport Service headquarters at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

He was promoted to his present grade, brigadier general, March 7, 1961.

General Maxey is a member of the American Bar Association, Idaho State Bar Association, Judge Advocate Association and the Elks. He also belongs to Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Alpha Delta (Honorary Legal Fraternity) and Alpha Psi Omega (Honorary Dramatic Society).

(Current as of April 1961)


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