U.S. Department of Justice

Capital Punishment, 2010 - Statistical Tables

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Dec. 22, 2011

Library ID

  • 025515


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  • 2011

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Information is provided about people under sentence of death or executed during 2010. Highlights include: four sates (California, Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania) hold over half of the total inmates on death row of which 55% are white and 42% are black; 12 states executed 46 inmates; and lethal injection is authorized in every state with capital punishment. Tables cover: capital offenses by state; method of execution; federal capital offenses; prisoners under sentence of death by region, jurisdiction, race, and sex; inmates removed from under sentence and the method of removal; average time between sentencing and execution; number of inmates executed by race and jurisdiction; executions by state and method; prisoners under sentence by jurisdiction and year of sentencing; outcome of sentence by year of sentencing; and number sentenced and number of removals by jurisdiction and reason for removal.

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