U.S U.SU.S. .. De DeDepartment partmentpartment o oof ff Homelan HomelanHomeland dd Se SeSecurit curitcurity yy 20528 Washington, DC Washington, DCWashington, DC 20472 NPD Information Bulletin No. 257 July 17, 2007 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact All State Administrative Agency Grant Points of Contact All State Homeland Security Directors All State Emergency Managers All UASI Points of Contact All FY 2003 UASI Transit System Security Grant Program Points of Contact FROM: Corey D. Gruber Acting Deputy Administrator National Preparedness Directorate SUBJECT: Extension Requests for FY 2002, FY 2003, and FY 2004 Grants The Department is committed to working with our grantees on providing no-cost extensions to performance periods on our existing grant programs. We receive many requests for extensions, and the vast majority of them are granted. We understand that States and localities experience problems with procurement processes, equipment delays, and other obstacles. However, it is also important to ensure the funds are obligated and expended in a timely manner, within established periods of performance. As we move into Fiscal Year 2008, FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate is taking steps to set final deadlines of previously awarded funds and move to fully close out some of the older grants. The following denotes the schedule for closeout: o Fiscal Year 2002 grants will be defined as expired effective September 30, 2007, and the administrative closeout of these awards will begin on October 1, 2007; o Upon request, Fiscal Year 2003 grants may be extended through December 31, 2007, with funds expiring on this date. Administrative closeout on these awards will begin on January 1, 2008; o Upon request, Fiscal Year 2004 grants may be extended through December 31, 2007, with funds expiring on this date unless a final extension through June 30, 2008, is justified and requested by December 1, 2007. Administrative closeout on awards not extended will begin January 1, 2008. Administrative closeout for those awards extended through June 30, 2008, will begin on July 1, 2008. All requests for grant extensions must be submitted to your Preparedness Officer, and must include a detailed, clear justification for the extension. All funds must be fully expended and drawn down by the expiration date of the grant as indicated above. In addition, all grantees requesting an extension must be compliant with reporting requirements on all active awards in order for extension requests to be fulfilled. After the time frames noted above, no further extensions will be granted for FY 2002, FY 2003, and FY 2004 grants. Additional questions may be directed to your assigned Preparedness Officer or the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk at askcsid@dhs.gov or 1-800-368-6498.