Office of Grants and Training U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20531 G&T Information Bulletin No. 239 February 02, 2007 TO All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact All State Homeland Security Directors All Urban Area Core City/Core County Points of Contact FROM: Corey D. Gruber Acting Assistant Secretary SUBJECT: Guidelines on Preparedness Officer Engagement and Mid-Term Review Process for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Application Period In December 2005, the Office of Grants and Training (G&T) issued Information Bulletin No. 199 responding to inquiries related to developing an Investment Justification as part of the FY 2006 HSGP application process. These guidelines are being updated and clarified for FY 2007 based on extensive feedback to empower Preparedness Officers to engage in the investment planning process with States and Urban Areas. The Secretary directed G&T to provide support to States and Urban Areas during the FY 2007 HSGP application period to include an optional midterm review in developing their respective Investment Justifications. The review will allow States, Urban Areas, and G&T to anticipate potential issues with submissions and develop corrective action plans prior to the application deadline. This Information Bulletin serves to communicate this guidance to grantees. Investment Justification: As in FY 2006, States and Urban Areas must develop an Investment Justification to request FY 2007 HSGP funds for near-term priorities from their Homeland Security Strategy and Program and Capability Enhancement Plan. The Investment Justification will be formally reviewed and scored through a peer review process similar to FY 2006. In assisting grantees, G&T staff may address the following issues and take the following actions related to the investment planning process and Investment Justification submission: . Participate in and assist with investment planning activities as requested by States and Urban Areas. This includes working group meetings and the planning process leading up to the submission of Investment Justifications. . Discuss how investment planning concepts can apply to specific issues and challenges faced by the States and Urban Areas. . Provide advice on additional issues to consider when developing investments for inclusion in the FY 2007 Investment Justification portfolio. . Provide clarification on the Investment Justification guidance based on content in existing documentation. . Field or refer technical questions about the Investment Justification template itself. . Support States/Urban Areas in implementing the application process in accordance with program guidance. In communicating with grantees, G&T staff may not address the following issues related to the Investment Justification: . Recommend any action with regard to lobbying State legislatures or changing State laws. . Indicate likely outcome of the peer review. Mid-Term Review Process . States and Urban Areas have the option of submitting a draft Investment Justification to G&T from February 26 through March 5, 2007. . Submissions must be made to G&T by the SAA using the Excel-based Investment Justification template. . Submissions must be made via email through, not directly to the Preparedness Officer. . Draft Investment Justification submissions will be reviewed against the criteria included in the FY 2007 HSGP program guidance by a G&T review panel consisting of the assigned Preparedness Officer and one other G&T representative. . The appropriate Division Director and Branch Chief will review feedback to ensure that the comments fields do not include any qualitative remarks. . All feedback will be returned simultaneously via email on March 15, 2007. . States and Urban Areas may discuss review results with their Preparedness Officers, but comments will be framed solely within context of the Investment Justification scoring criteria. Additional questions may be directed to your Preparedness Officer or the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk at, 1-800-368-6498.