Non-Disaster Grant Management System

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The Non-Disaster Grant Management System (ND Grants) is a web-based system intended to provide the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its stakeholders with a system that supports the grants management lifecycle.

ND Grants represents a multi-year effort by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FEMA Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) and the FEMA Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). GPD is committed to providing an effective system that is collaboratively developed, provides user-friendly workflow, and supports FEMA with mission-critical activities. ND Grants is considered a top priority for the Directorate and will begin accepting awards for non-disaster grants in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011.


The system is being implemented via phased approach where system functionality is released to coincide with stakeholders need for the functionality.

ND Grants includes all the functionality of the current grants management systems and offers new functionality. Below is a summary of the new functionality:

  • Administrative Organization Modules
  • Application Submission
  • Interface
  • Award Package Creation and Review
  • External Organization Management and Task Assignment Services
  • Mail Center
  • Dynamic Forms

What are the System Benefits?

During the development of ND Grants, GPD gathered input, best practices, and lessons learned from FEMA grantors and grantees, as well as other external FEMA grant stakeholders. ND Grants will offer grantors and grantees the following benefits:

Internal Grantor Users

  • Provide a user friendly interface that clearly highlights pending actions
  • Automate and standardize processes to manage the grants management lifecycle while allowing program-specific functionality
  • Improve integration with key systems, such as, to automatically retrieve and share grant application data


  • Provide a user friendly interface that clearly highlights pending actions
  • Reduce the burden of application completion by pulling in and pre-populating applications with grantee’s submission
  • Provide quicker acknowledgements of receipt of application materials and other relevant documents

List of Preparedness (Non-Disaster) Grants for FY 2011

  • Driver’s License Security Grant Program (DLSGP)
  • Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
  • Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP)
  • Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)
    • Citizen Corps Program (CCP)
    • Metropolitan Medical Response Grants (MMRS)
    • Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)
    • State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)
    • Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)
  • Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)
  • Intercity Passenger Rail Security Grant Program (IPR)
  • Non-Profit Security Grant Program (NSGP)
  • Port Security Grant Program (PSGP)
  • Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)
  • Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)
  • Assistance to Firefighters Grants

Training Opportunities

FEMA is committed to providing the highest level of support to its grantees. Training for FEMA grantees is key to FEMA's success in the ND Grants roll out.

GPD is focused on ensuring all users have a positive experience the first time they interact with the system. Training will comprise of system orientations and a combination of online and in-person training opportunities. Below lists current training materials.

ND Grants System Online Grantee Tutorials

GPD is pleased to provide grantees with recorded online tutorials on the Non-Disaster (ND) Grants system. The online tutorials can be accessed at any time for self-paced training on the ND Grants system. Links to the tutorials are provided below.

To confirm you have the required software on your computer to view the tutorials, go to If you have any difficulties installing the required software on your computer, please contact your in-house technical assistance support.

Any questions about the recordings can be addressed to

ND Grants Grantee Training Manual

ND Grants Frequently Asked Questions for Grantees

Module 1 - How to register and log in to ND Grants


Lessons 1- 4

• Register and login into ND Grants
• Navigate the ND Grants system

Module 2 - How to manage organizations in ND Grants


Lessons 1-3

• Create and update organizations

Lessons 4 - 6

• Request access to organizations
• Review and approve access requests
• View users of your organization

Lessons 7 - 10

• Adding and updating contacts

Module 3 - How to manage applications in ND Grants


Lessons 1-2

• Start an application in
• Monitor submitted applications

Lesson 3

• Complete and submit an application

Module 4 - How to manage awards in ND Grants


Lessons 1 - 3

• Review and accept award packages
• View awards
• Submitting an 1199A form

Lessons 4 - 6

• Create and update amendments

Lessons 7 - 9

• Viewing and deleting amendments
• Create and submit performance reports

Module 5 - How to use the ND Grants mail center


Lessons 1 - 4

• Manage your ND Grants mailbox


Contact the Help Desk

If you need help using the ND Grants System, please contact the ND Grants Service Desk at 1-800-865-4076 or If you have programmatic or grants management questions, please contact your Program Analyst or Grants Specialist.

Last Updated: 
10/03/2012 - 15:24
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