About the Cover

The Next Generation of Biofuels

Sustainable Feedstocks and Cost Competitive Options

Volume 43, Number 3, 2010 of the ORNL REVIEW is
available here in Adobe PDF format (5.46 Mb)

Volume 43, Number 3, 2010 - The Next Generation of Biofuels

Front Cover: Cover design by LeJean Hardin.

On the cover is Martin Keller, Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Associate Laboratory Director for Biological and Environmental Sciences. ORNL has been assigned the challenge of helping decipher the evolutionary code for an entirely new generation of biofuels capable of transforming the American automobile industry. Three years into this effort, this issue of the ORNL Review examines initial findings that have exceeded expectations.

Back Cover:

Editor—James Pearce
Writer—Morgan McCorkle
Designer—LeJean Hardin
Illustrator—Andy Sproles
Photographers—Jason Richards and Curtis Boles
Web developer—Dennis Hovey

Editorial office telephone: 865.241.0709
Editorial office fax: 865.574.0595
Email: ornlreview@ornl.gov

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