
New Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Clean Energy Agenda

Posted on by Karina

A new joint poll released by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), National Journal and Pew Research Center shows the American people overwhelmingly support a comprehensive energy and climate bill that reduces our dependence on foreign oil, limits carbon pollution, and requires utilities produce more energy from renewable sources. From the poll:

By a 61 point margin, Americans support an energy bill that requires utilities to produce more energy from renewable resources — 78% to 17%.

92% of Americans say reducing our dependence on foreign energy sources is an important goal for U.S. energy policy.

By a 37 point margin, Americans support limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions — 65% to 28%.

The Democratic-led Congress is moving America in a New Direction for energy independence–working to lower costs for consumers, making America more secure, and launching a cleaner, smarter, more cost-effective energy future that creates millions of clean energy jobs and reduces global warming:

In May, the House passed the Home Star Energy Retrofit Act to provide immediate incentives for consumers who renovate their homes to become more energy-efficient — creating jobs here at home and saving money for American families.

Through the America COMPETES Act, Congress has invested in research and development into groundbreaking energy technology. Energy Innovation Hubs will support research, development, demonstration and commercial application of advanced energy technologies. The bill also creates federal loan guarantees to help small- and medium-sized manufacturers access capital to invest in innovative technologies that will help them become more efficient and competitive.

The American Clean Energy and Security Act, passed by the House last June, will create clean energy jobs here in America, protect consumers, reduce pollution and help free us from our dangerous dependence on dirty foreign fuels.

Through the Recovery Act, Congress has made historic and job-creating investments in a clean energy future, estimated to create more than 700,000 jobs, nearly double our use of renewable electricity, and save consumers up to $98 a year.

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