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Dr. Emil Simiu

Dr. Emil Simiu is a NIST Fellow in the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dr. Simiu's research activities have included the estimation of wind and wave effects on buildings, bridges, and deep-water compliant offshore platforms; structural reliability; structural, fire, and chaotic dynamics; and structural design and assessment criteria for low-cost shelter in developing countries. He has developed the database-assisted design concept and pioneered its systematic use for the structural design of buildings subjected to wind loads.

Dr. Simiu is a registered professional engineer in the states of California, New York, and New Jersey. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, served as chairman of its Committee on Wind Effects, Committee on Dynamic Effects, and Committee on the Reliability of Offshore Structures, and is a distinguished member of the ASCE Standard Committee on Loads. He was a senior engineer with Lev Zetlin Assoc., New York, Severud Assoc., New York, and Ammann and Whitney, Inc., New York, and a consultant to Argo-Zetlin, a forensic engineering firm. Dr. Simiu was a U.S. Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellow and consultant at the World Bank. He served as Research Professor, Johns Hopkins University (1986-2004); Distinguished Visiting Professor, Florida Atlantic University (2000); and Distinguished Research Professor, Florida International University (2007-2010).

Dr. Simiu is the author of Designing Buildings for Wind (Wiley, 2011),co-author of Design of Buildings and Bridges for Wind (Wiley, 2006; Chinese translation, 2009), the author of Chaotic Transitions in Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems (Princeton Univ. Press, 2002; Russian translation, 2007; paperback edition, 2009), co-author of Wind Effects on Structures (3rd Ed., Wiley, 1996; Chinese translation, 1992; Russian translation, 1984), and co-author of A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity (Springer, 2004). He is the author or co-author of over 100 publications in refereed journals in the fields of structural, mechanical, wind, ocean, reliability engineering, multihazard engineering, engineering mechanics, physics, and nanotechnology, and is a member of the editorial boards of Struct. Safety, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., and Int. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.

Dr. Simiu was the 1984 recipient of the Federal Engineer of the Year award from the National Society of Professional Engineers, the inaugural recipient of ASCE's Scanlan Medal (2003), the recipient of five U.S. Department of Commerce Medals, including two Gold Medals, and a 2006 recipient of the Japan Association for Wind Engineering Prize for the outstanding wind engineering publication of the year.

Dr. Emil Simiu


NIST Fellow
National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP)


Princeton University, Ph.D., Civil & Geological Engineering, 1971

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, M.S., Applied Mechanics, 1968

Bucharest Institute of Civil Engineering, Dipl. Eng., Building Engineering, 1956


Phone: 301-975-6076
Email: emil.simiu@nist.gov