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Announcements: Final State-Level 2011–12 Influenza Vaccination Coverage Estimates Available Online

Final state-specific influenza vaccination coverage estimates for the 2011–12 influenza season are now available online at FluVaxView ( Included are estimates of the cumulative percentage of persons vaccinated by the end of each month, during August 2011–May 2012, for each state and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services region, and the United States overall.

Analyses were conducted using National Immunization Survey data for children aged 6 months–17 years and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data for adults aged ≥18 years. Estimates are provided by age group and race/ethnicity. These estimates are presented using an interactive feature at and complemented by an online summary report at

The data update the national preliminary estimates from the March 2012 National Immunization Survey and National Flu Survey at

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