Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Public Forum to Conduct Rotorcraft Regulatory Review

Purpose of the Public Meeting

The purpose of this informal meeting was to gather information that may drive regulatory changes. The FAA had management and technical specialists available from the Aircraft Certification Service, entertaining questions and discussed issues presented by the audience. The FAA will use the information and material presented by participants to analyze the need and scope for potential rule changes to enhance rotorcraft safety. The goal is to reduce the accident and incident rate for rotorcraft through promulgation of minimum safety standards in line with today's technology and helicopter operations.


The public meeting was held on March 8, 2011

Meeting Transcripts

Transcript - As Recoreded by Court Reporter (PDF)

In providing this "corrected version" of the transcript, we have been careful not to embellish, diminish, or in any way modify the remarks of the speaker. The purpose is only to correct what the court reporter may have incorrectly heard and recorded, as compared to what the speaker probably said. To the best of our ability, what the speaker said is what is recorded in this corrected transcript - which may or may not be what the speaker intended to say. Speakers, including FAA persons who spoke from the podium, were not consulted for corrections. As such, this corrected transcript may at times be difficult to follow, but we believe it represents what was said in this public forum to the best of our ability to record.

Transcript - Corrected Version (PDF)

Page Last Modified: 01/30/12 13:52 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/air_cert/design_approvals/rotorcraft/reg_review/