Federal Aviation Administration

Air Transportation Division

Program Management Support Branch

The Program Management Support Branch manages fiscal and human resources for the Air Transportation division and:

  • Provides advice, counsel, and program support to division management on management systems, processes, procedures, principles, and methodologies; strategic and tactical planning; matrix and participative management; and program analysis; evaluation, success metrics, and quality assurance measures.
  • Develops and implements division policies, programs, processes, and procedures governing administrative, fiscal, and human resource management to include but not limited to time and attendance data entry, training requirements, travel, budget, program planning, and program reporting.
  • Provides administrative management support for the division’s management team for general paperwork management (correspondence, records, forms, reports, and directives), contract management and support, general office services, and logistical support.
  • Monitors and reports on the progress of responses for White House Reports, Congressional requests for action, requests under the Freedom of Information Act, and the Government Performance and Results Act, NTSB recommendations, and FAA safety recommendations.
  • Monitors the cost accounting system/labor distribution reporting activities for the division.
  • Manages the production of all division publications, including those on the Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS).
  • Acts as the division focal point for matters pertaining to knowledge sharing network and Sharepoint management and input.
  • Serves as the division’s focal point for all external audits and quality assurance assessments of divisional programs.

Federal Aviation Administration
Program Management Support Branch, AFS-290
Room # 831
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
Washington, DC 20591

Fax: (202) 267-5229

Page Last Modified: 11/02/09 09:36 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs200/branches/afs290/