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PayPort Express

PayPort Express is specifically designed to streamline the complex and labor intensive audit, approval and payment processes associated with transportation-related expenses.

Manual processes are replaced by automated, electronic ones that require little to no intervention from your personnel. Even the review, negotiation and approval process that takes place between you and your shippers is done completely online.

Gain Control Over Freight and Transportation Expenses

Pre-Payment Audits Maximize Efficiency By:

  • Qualifying as a certified pre-payment audit process;
  • Ensuring that invoices meet all payment criteria before they are entered into the system;
  • Being accompanied by a full audit trail of actions taken to further help enforce (department/agency) policies and comply with regulatory requirements;
  • Automating payment; and,
  • Reducing processing times – getting payments to TSPs faster, and ultimately improving vendor relationships.

Single Monthly Payments Increase Savings By: 

  • Lowering per transaction fees since it is an automated process -- it can save you as much as $5 per invoice;
  • Reducing the risk of late and post-audit fees;
  • Providing an opportunity to earn cash back by making payment early (i.e., within less than 15 days of invoice);
  • Enhancing visibility into your expenses;
  • Capturing invoice data and images and stores them electronically; and,
  • Providing robust reports for critical, in-depth supply chain intelligence.

Get Started Today!

To learn more, contact Maria Gutierrez or Transportation Programs.

If you are from an agency, visit Getting Started for Customer Agencies for instructions and ordering procedures.

If you are a TSP, visit Getting Started for TSPs for instructions and ordering procedures.

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Maria Gutierrez
(415) 522-2846

Transportation Programs

payport express, transportation, freight, ppe