FORT A.P. HILL, Va. -- Joint Task Force-National Scout Jamboree exercised a spider bite scenario July 23 as part of a robust series of exercises to prepare for the Boy Scouts of America's 2010 National Scout Jamboree July 26 to Aug. 4.

The scenario began with the application of moulage to Brian Smith, a cadet from the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., who volunteered to teach wilderness survival to scouts at the event.

"It's important for the moulage to look realistic so paramedics and emergency responders can react appropriately to the injury," said Army Sergeant First Class Janine Pridgen attached to the JTF-NSJ, is a licensed professional nurse.

If responders have not encountered the injury before, realistic moulage will prepare them for the next time they see it as a real world injury, she said.

Cadet Smith volunteered for the exercises with the safety of the Boy Scouts in mind.

"A lot of things could go wrong with the boy scouts in the woods," said Cadet Smith. "This is a way to test everyone in preparation of things that could go wrong."

After the application of the moulage, Cadet Smith visited the Longstreet Medical Facility to receive medical treatment for his simulated three-day-old brown recluse bite.

The Jamboree medical staff attended to his wound and expressed the importance of seeking medical attention after the result of spider bite.

"For any venomous bite, you need to treat it correctly," said Lorraine Driscoll, a volunteer medical physician. "Come directly to the facility. Each sub-camp has their own medical facility. Get medical attention when and where it's needed."

Page last updated Sat July 31st, 2010 at 15:30