Be safe even in thunderstorms

If you are outdoors:

Aca,!AcAttempt to get into a building or a hardtop car and keep the windows closed.

Aca,!AcIf no structure is available, go to an open space as quickly as possible and squat low to the ground.

Aca,!AcIf in the woods, find an area protected by a low clump of trees; never stand beneath a single large tree in the open.

Aca,!AcBe aware of the potential for flooding in low-lying areas.

Aca,!AcAvoid tall structures, such as towers, tall trees, fences, telephone lines or power lines.

Aca,!AcStay away from natural lightning rods, such as golf clubs, tractors, fishing rods, bicycles or camping equipment.

Aca,!AcStay away from rivers, lakes or other bodies of water.

Aca,!AcIf you are boating or swimming, get to land and find shelter immediately.

Aca,!AcIf you are isolated in a level field and feel your hair stand on end (which indicates that lightning is about to strike) drop to your knees and bend forward, putting your hands on your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground.

If you are in a vehicle:

Aca,!AcPull safely onto the shoulder of the road, away from any trees that could fall on the vehicle.

Aca,!AcIf flash flooding is possible, go to higher ground.

Aca,!AcStay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rains subside.

Aca,!AcIf flash flooding is possible, abandon the vehicle and climb to higher ground.

Aca,!AcAvoid flooded roadways. If you are indoors:

Aca,!AcSecure outdoor objects, such as lawn furniture, that could blow away or cause damage or injury.

Aca,!AcListen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest storm information.

Aca,!AcDo not handle electrical equipment or telephones because lightning could follow the wire. Television sets are particularly dangerous at this time; use telephones only in an emergency.

Aca,!AcDo not take a bath or shower because metal pipes can transmit electricity.

Aca,!AcTurn off air conditioners, as power surges from lightning can overload the compressors.

Page last updated Fri July 23rd, 2010 at 13:42