Admiral James Stavridis attends the Turkish Chief of Defense Change of Command ceremony in Ankara, Turkey. Seated with the Admiral are Retired General and former Chief of Defense, Hilmi ÃzkkÃk and h

Admiral James Stavridis attends the Turkish Chief of Defense Change of Command ceremony in Ankara, Turkey.  Seated with the Admiral are Retired General and former Chief of Defense, Hilmi  ÃzkkÃk and his spouse (right), Minister of Defense Vecdi GGÃnnÃl and his spouse (left).  (Photo by Turkish Armed Forces) View at highest resolution (970 by 505 pixels)

Admiral James Stavridis attends the Turkish Chief of Defense Change of Command ceremony in Ankara, Turkey. Seated with the Admiral are Retired General and former Chief of Defense, Hilmi ÃzkkÃk and his spouse (right), Minister of Defense Vecdi GGÃnnÃl and his spouse (left). (Photo by Turkish Armed Forces)

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