Army Jag Corps
CW4 Lykes, Maj Smith and CPT Nam

"The Best Two Months of My Life"

"This internship was the best two months of my life. I was able to live in Hawaii while working in the job of my choice. It was the first time I ever got up in the morning and was excited to go to work. I turned down several other job offers for this summer and am I ever glad that I did. I have a hard time believing that a first-year law student could have had a better summer job then I did. I am very grateful that I was given this opportunity."

Gilbert Brosky

2003 First-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 25th Infantry Division (Light), Honolulu, Hawaii. Attends law school at the University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor.


"The operational responsibilities of a JAG Corps Intern differ from the average summer associate at a private firm because the JAG Corps Intern is given an opportunity to work on substantive legal issues from day one."

Jason Wright

2003 Second-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of General Counsel, Department of the Army, The Pentagon. Attends law school at George Mason University.


"I will definitely recommend the JAG Corps Internship to other law students. Throughout my internship, I received daily opportunities to directly impact the outcome of a case or investigation. As a JAG Corps Intern, students are challenged on many different levels. For instance, in addition to gaining substantive legal knowledge, interns have the ability to improve their physical fitness and gain insight in the military culture. I doubt that any firm with a summer associate program can challenge an intern in such different aspects: legal, physical, and cultural."

Stephanie Toussaint

2003 First-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, III JAG Corps and Fort Hood, Texas. Attends law school at Texas Wesleyan College.


"I gained first-hand experience on the inner workings of the JAG Corps. I believe it is an excellent opportunity for entry-level attorneys to further develop and polish their skills."

Lizmar Bosques-Rosado

2003 Second-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army South, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. Attends law school at Puerto Rico University.


"I would recommend the JAG Corps Summer Intern Program to any law student. Even for those students not interested in a military career, I feel that the program is a great way to work with many different types of attorneys and clients on a wide variety of issues. The diversity of issues that arrives on your desk in the military is a great way to get experience with many different types of law."

Casie Judge

2003 Second-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, V JAG Corps, Heidelberg, Germany. Attends law school at State University of New York.


"I am already a Finance Officer in the National Guard, and applied for this internship because I was interested in the JAG Corps. Now, I am even more interested and will definitely apply to the JAG Corps. There are many things I like about the military, and the JAG Corps would allow me to be both an Officer and a lawyer."

Erin Delevan

2003 Second-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Judge Advocate, United Nations Command/U.S. Forces Korea/8th U.S. Army, Seoul, Korea. Attends law school at the University Of Arizona.


"I would highly recommend the intern program to any student. It was valuable in terms of the level of work I was assigned and in terms of what an Officer's experience is in the JAG Corps ."

Jennifer Hayden

2003 Second-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 7th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, Colorado. Attends law school at Arizona State University.


"I would whole-heartedly recommend the JAG Corps Summer Intern Program to other law students. I feel that my internship experiences with the JAG Corps have been exceptional and that other students would benefit greatly from having similar experiences."

Justin Zuccolotto

2003 First-Year Summer Intern assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Georgia. Attends law school at West Virginia University.


"It was a wonderful experience with some really great people. I think it was an eye-opener for me. I learned much about the Army, military and government work."

Judy Shen

2003 First-Year Summer Intern assigned to the U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, Arlington, Virginia. Attends law school at the University Of Pennsylvania.