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    Cosmetics Q&A: Tattoos and Permanent Makeup

    Are tattoos and permanent makeup safe? How about henna and other temporary tattoos?

    FDA is looking into the safety of tattoos and permanent makeup because of their growing popularity. For example, we are looking at tattoo removal, adverse reactions to tattoo colors, and infections that result from the use of these products.

    Consumers should be aware of some of the risks presented by tattoos and permanent makeup:
    • No color additives are approved for tattoos, including those used in permanent makeup. Some people have had bad reactions to pigments used in tattoo and permanent makeup inks. Some have suffered permanent disfigurement.
    • Unsterile tattooing equipment and needles can transmit infectious disease, such as hepatitis; it is extremely important to confirm that all equipment is clean and sanitary before use.
    • Tattoos and permanent makeup are not easily removed and in some cases may cause permanent discoloration. Think carefully before getting a tattoo and consider the possibility of an allergic reaction.
    • If you get a tattoo at a facility not regulated by your state or at facilities that use unsterile equipment, or re-use ink, you may not be accepted as a blood or plasma donor for twelve months.
    Temporary tattoos, such as those applied to the skin with a moistened wad of cotton, fade several days after application. Many contain color additives approved for cosmetic use on the skin. However, FDA has received reports of allergic reactions to some temporary tattoos.
    Henna, a coloring made from a plant, is approved only for use as a hair dye, not for direct application to the skin. FDA has received reports of injuries to the skin from products marketed as henna.
    To learn more, see

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