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What is an energy rating?

We are used to seeing white goods with an energy rating. But what if you could buy a house with a 5 star rating?

Well, now you can! A House Energy Rating (HER) service is now available to anyone building, designing, buying or selling a home. The ability of the home to be naturally warm in winter and cool in summer can now be rated using a government approved 'star' rating - great news as an efficient home results in significant savings on energy bills!

Sustainable Energy Development Authority

House energy rating is a component of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority's (SEDA) Energy Smart Homes Policy. The overall policy, which includes energy efficient hot water systems, lighting, appliances, as well as housing, encourages reduction of energy consumption in the home and therefore reduced greenhouse gas emissions, at the same time making the home more comfortable. Many Councils in NSW are currently introducing a mandatory energy rating for all new dwellings, additions and alterations.

Under the framework of the Energy Smart Homes Policy, SEDA set up the NSW House Energy Rating Management Body (HMB) to accredit House Energy Rating (HER) Assessors, who use computer software to rate the home. The home is assessed by considering factors such as construction materials, window orientation and size, ventilation and insulation levels. On a scale of 0 to 5 stars, a 5 star rating means a thermally comfortable house that minimises the need for heating in winter and cooling in summer, improving your comfort. In areas where Councils have implemented a house energy policy, 3 ½ stars will be the minimum a house is allowed to achieve to obtain a development approval and is a compromise between significant energy savings and recognition that other issues are important to homebuyers. Savings up to 40% of energy bills should be possible in most houses by reducing artificial heating and cooling. If a house rates lower than 3 ½ stars, an HMB Accredited House Energy Rating Assessor is able to recommend design features which can raise the energy efficiency and thus, the star rating of the home. This means considerable savings on your energy bills, and a more comfortable home.

SET has accredited assessors to energy rate your home

HMB Accredited HER Assessors undergo training, and all must pass an exam before they can be accredited, and their work is audited regularly, so home owners and buyers can confidently obtain accurate information regarding heating and cooling requirements of their particular house. Additionally, the seller can obtain a marketing edge and achieve greater resale value by advertising a home as being one which is energy efficient. When a house built today is sold in only a few years time it will have to compete with houses that are very energy efficient due to increasing awareness of the need to conserve energy and increasing Council requirements. Already in the ACT all houses sold and rented or leased must have a rating provided to prospective buyers and renters, irrespective of the age of the house.

House energy rating aims to make everyone a winner - the home buyer, the home seller, and above all, the environment.

Sustainable Earth Technologies has HMB Accredited HER Assessors who are able to perform house energy ratings on development proposals, renovated and existing homes.

Please contact us for an obligation free quote.

Link to more House Energy Rating information

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Sustainable Earth Technologies Inc.
Newcastle NSW Australia
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