Center for Energy and Environment CONTACT CEE
Home Residential Properties Buildings and Facilities Research Public Policy About CEE

The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) is a nonprofit organization that works to promote public interest through the responsible and efficient use of natural and economic resources. CEE accomplishes this mission through program development and delivery, research and education, evaluation and public policy initiatives.

CEE has provided energy, environmental and housing rehabilitation services to utilities, private corporations, neighborhood organizations, municipalities and public agencies for over twenty-five years. These services include financing, building audits, technical research and training, program design and delivery and evaluations.

Home Improvement Financing

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Hot Topics

Minnesota Energy Challenge - The goal of the Minnesota Energy Challenge is to empower Minnesotans to take simple steps to reduce their energy use and Minnesota’s CO2 emissions.

SkyView Data Mapping - View and analyze geographic data at a glance with just a few clicks from your web browser.

Biomass Resources - CEE's current effort to provide tools and information for evaluating biomass opportunities in Minnesota.

Commissioning and Recommissioning - helping businesses, schools and hospitals reduce energy costs and improve indoor air quality.

Home Improvement Loans - making all your home improvement projects come to life.

Lighting Rebate Program - 2.3 million in rebates available for qualified Xcel Energy Minnesota business customers.

Did You Know

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