Secretary Clinton: Travel to Asia

October 27, 2010 to November 8, 2010

Interactive Travel Map | Photos (November 2-8) | Photos (October 27-November 1)

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Hawaii, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Australia October 27-November 8.

Secretary Clinton arrived in Honolulu on October 27 where she met with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara to discuss a broad range of issues, including our close coordination during our back-to-back Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) host years. This meeting underscores the enduring importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance as a cornerstone of American engagement in the Asia-Pacific. On October 28, for the second time in Hawaii, the Secretary delivered a major policy speech on the United States’ role as a Pacific nation.

Secretary Clinton traveled to Hanoi on October 29 for her second trip to Vietnam in less than four months. The Secretary represented the United States at the East Asia Summit and participate in a Lower Mekong Initiative meeting, deepening U.S. engagement with Asia’s multilateral institutions. The Secretary also met with Vietnamese leaders.

From Hanoi, the Secretary traveled to Hainan Island, where she had a meeting with her counterpart in the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, State Councilor Dai Bingguo.

On October 30, the Secretary departed for Cambodia where she met with government and civil society leaders in Phnom Penh and visited Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage site. She continued on to Malaysia on November 1 and met with senior officials, discussed our enhanced ties, promote trade, and discuss educational exchanges between our countries.

On November 3, Secretary Clinton traveled to Papua New Guinea to meet Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare and other senior government officials, women leaders and environmental experts as part of a larger process of enhancing U.S. engagement in the Pacific. She continued on to New Zealand to meet with senior government officials, including Prime Minister John Key and Foreign Minister Murray McCully, on a wide range of issues that are important to the forward-looking trajectory of our bilateral relationship. On November 6, Secretary Clinton traveled to Australia to join U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, and Australian Defense Minister Stephen Smith in Melbourne for the 25th anniversary of the annual Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) to discuss regional and global security issues. Secretary Clinton also met with Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Secretary Clinton returned to Washington, D.C. on November 8.


11/08/2010 Traditional Samoan Welcoming Ceremony
11/08/2010 Interview With Greg Sheridan of The Australian
11/08/2010 Interview With Peter Hartcher of the Sydney Morning Herald
11/08/2010 Remarks at the Australia-U.S. Ministerial
11/07/2010 Interview With Cynthia McFadden of ABC's Nightline
11/07/2010 Interview With Cynthia McFadden of ABC's Nightline--With Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
11/07/2010 Interview with Hamish and Andy
11/07/2010 Speech and Townterview with Australian Broadcasting Company
11/07/2010 Remarks at Meeting With Staff and Their Families of Mission Australia
11/07/2010 Remarks at Pixel Building Clean Tech Event
11/07/2010 Remarks at U.S. Trade Promotion Event
11/06/2010 Remarks With Foreign Minister Kevin Michael Rudd
11/05/2010 Interview with Duncan Garner of New Zealand's TV3
11/05/2010 Interview with Guyon Espinner of TV New Zealand
11/05/2010 Christchurch Trade Reception Hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce
11/05/2010 Remarks at Christchurch Town Hall Meeting with Students and Civic Leaders
11/05/2010 Remarks at an Event with the U.S. Antarctic Center and Antarctica New Zealand
11/05/2010 Meeting with Staff and Their Families of Mission New Zealand
11/04/2010 Remarks With New Zealand Prime Minister John Phillip Key and New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray Stuart McCully
11/04/2010 Remarks at Reception Hosted by New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray Stuart McCully
11/03/2010 Tubuserea Lavadai Mangrove Reforestation Project 
11/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Port Moresby Embassy Staff and Their Families
11/03/2010 Remarks With Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare
11/03/2010 Women's Empowerment Event 
11/03/2010 Remarks at the Pratt & Whitney Trade Event
11/02/2010 Remarks at Townterview Hosted by Media Prima
11/02/2010 Remarks with Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman
11/02/2010 Secretary Clinton's Meet and Greet with Kuala Lumpur Embassy Staff and Their Families
11/01/2010 Secretary Clinton's Meet and Greet with Phnom Penh Embassy Staff and Their Families
11/01/2010 Remarks With Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong 
11/01/2010 Town Hall With Cambodian Youth 
10/30/2010 Interview With With Tran Thi Huong Thuy of VTV
10/30/2010 Remarks With Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem
10/30/2010 Intervention at the East Asia Summit
10/29/2010 Meeting with U.S. Armed Forces
10/28/2010 America's Engagement in the Asia Pacific
10/27/2010 Joint Press Availability with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara
10/26/2010 Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Travel to the Asia-Pacific Region

Press Releases / Fact Sheets
11/07/2010 Secretary Clinton's Visit to Australia Highlights Collaboration
11/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Visit to New Zealand 
11/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Visit to Papua New Guinea Underscores U.S. Engagement with Pacific Island Countries 
11/01/2010 Secretary Clinton's Meeting in Malaysia Expand Strategic Cooperation
10/30/2010 Secretary Clinton's October 30-November 1 Visit to Cambodia
10/29/2010 Secretary Clinton's October 29-30, 2010 Visit to Vietnam
10/27/2010 United States - Japan 2010 Joint Projects in APEC

Related Information
APEC Japan 2010
ASEAN Vietnam 2010

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