Secretary Clinton: Travel to Latin America, February 28 - March 5, 2010

February 28, 2010 to March 5, 2010

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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica and Guatemala from February 28 - March 5, 2010.

In Uruguay, Secretary Clinton attended President Mujica’s inauguration on March 1. Secretary Clinton had a Bilateral Meeting with Argentine President Fernandez de Kirchner in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She then traveled to Santiago where she met with President Bachelet and President-elect Pinera. On March 3, Secretary Clinton met with President Lula and Foreign Minister Amorim in Brasilia.  Secretary Clinton also participated in a live Townterview (interview + town hall) at Zumbi dos Palmares University, Brazil’s only Afro-Brazilian institute of higher learning.  In Costa Rica on March 4, Secretary Clinton was the keynote speaker at the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Ministerial Meeting and met separately with President Oscar Arias and President-elect Laura Chinchilla. In Guatemala, Secretary Clinton met with leaders of Central American countries and the Dominican Republic to discuss issues of mutual interest. The Secretary also met with President Alvaro Colom during her visit to Guatemala.

03/05/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom
03/05/2010 Secretary Clinton Visits With Embassy Guatemala City Staff and Their Families
03/05/2010 Secretary Clinton Visits with Embassy San Jose Staff and Their Families 
03/04/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Costa Rican Foreign Minister and Dominican Republic Deputy Foreign Minister

03/04/2010 Pathways to Prosperity Ministerial
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Townterview With Brazil's Globo Network
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton's Meet and Greet at U.S. Embassy in Brasilia
03/02/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Chilean President Michelle Bachelet
03/01/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
03/01/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks to the Press in Montevideo, Uruguay
03/01/2010 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Uruguayan President-elect Jose Mujica
02/27/2010 Secretary Clinton's Statement on Feb. 27 Earthquake in Chile
02/26/2010 Pre-Trip Briefing by Assistant Secretary Valenzuela

Fact Sheets
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton and Brazilian Foreign Minister Amorim Announce Increased Cooperation on Climate Change
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton and Brazilian Foreign Minister Amorim Announce Increased Cooperation for Advancement of Women
03/03/2010 Secretary Clinton and Brazilian Foreign Minister Amorim Announce Trilateral Development Cooperation

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