
Typhoon season primer, Part I: What do those TCCORs mean?

By now, in the run-up to the upcoming northwest Pacific typhoon season, those new to Okinawa or Guam may have heard or seen the term TCCOR, which stands for tropical cyclone condition of readiness.
Old hat to many long-timers or greybeards such as I, but to reinforce what you already know, here’s a primer on what those TCCORs mean, and what to do once each of them is declared, in order, as a typhoon nears your location.
This is Part I of a series of blog posts designed to get you ready for the upcoming typhoon season, what to do, where to go and how to prepare when one of those nasty things starts bearing down on you.
FYI, Okinawa enters seasonal TCCOR 4 starting June 1 and exits it Nov. 30 each year, and Guam remains in seasonal TCCOR 4 year-round, because each location sits in the area where tropical cyclones are apt to form. I remember one in September 2003, which formed right over Okinawa, which went from TCCOR 4 to 1 almost instantly, and caused a run on the Foster Shoppette.
Once storms form and begin their track toward land masses such as Okinawa, the 18th Wing Weather Flight keeps close watch on them, recommending accelerated TCCORs when they feel appropriate to the 18th Wing commanding officer, who speaks in one voice for the island when he actually issues the accelerated TCCORs.
The only exception is when TCCOR All-Clear is declared or the island reverts back to seasonal TCCOR 4. All-Clear is also subject to conditions on each base; some might delay reverting to All-Clear if there are still power lines or tree limbs damaged that haven’t been hauled away.
Other areas of the Pacific don’t endure storms as strong as the ones on Guam and Okinawa, but they can still be destructive; ask those in the Kanto Plain who suffered through Typhoon Roke last September, which pounded Honshu’s east coast with 65-mph winds, the strongest to hit the Tokyo area in decades.
Here we go:
TCCOR 4 – Destructive winds of 58 mph (50 nautical mph) or greater are possible within 72 hours. Now’s the time to stock up on food and storm supplies. Check your closet and cupboards. What’s in them? Do you need bottled water, non-perishable foods, a portable radio, extra batteries, pet food for your furry friends, diapers for the little ones?

TCCOR 3 – Destructive winds of 58 mph or greater are possible within 48 hours.
Begin a general cleanup around homes and office. Bring inside or tie down those bicycles to a concrete structure. Take down the trampoline and move it inside. Do the same with the hibachi or barbeque. Even plastic pails can become dangerous projectiles in a storm. Note: Do NOT tape windows; these days, windows of both on- and off-base structures are coated to protect from UV rays and are also designed to withstand sustained destructive winds for extended periods. Taping them might damage them. If you’ve not visited the PX or commissary, now’s the time to do so, to avoid the late rush.

TCCOR 2 – Destructive winds of 58 mph or greater are expected within 24 hours.
Finish removing or securing all outside items. As a last-minute precaution, gas up the car and visit the bank or the ATM to stock up on enough cash and local currency to last as long as three days. The power to each could be out for that long or longer. Pregnant women in their third trimester should contact 18th Medical Group or U.S. Naval Hospital Camp Lester about whether they should stay there for the duration of the storm. You may also notice that sales of alcohol will be cut off at the Shoppette or PX at a certain point; that’s to ensure personnel are ready at a minute’s notice to help clean up storm damage or immediate emergencies, instead of being incapacitated by the “typhoon party.”

TCCOR 1 – Destructive winds of 58 mph or greater are expected within 12 hours. No school for DODDS students. Staff and teachers will work normal hours, unless changed by the DODDS district superintendent. Fill any containers you can use for water storage. If you live in low-lying quarters, make arrangements to stay with a friend. Make final check of food and other supplies.

TCCOR 1 Caution (TCCOR 1-C) – Actual winds of 38 mph or greater are occurring at a particular base or bases. All non-essential personnel are released to their quarters, DODDS schools will close, along with the PX, shops, commissaries, shoppettes, gas stations, services facilities, clubs, restaurants, recreational facilities and the post office. Time to get indoors and STAY there. Movement around the base should be kept to a minimum. Security forces and MPs will enforce an “essential vehicles only” policy.
TCCOR 1 Emergency (TCCOR 1-E) – Actual sustained winds of 58 mph or greater are occurring. All outside activity is prohibited. This means YOU, whether on base or off, whether you see Japanese going about their appointed rounds in their vehicles despite the wicked weather. At 58 mph sustained, winds are such that it becomes difficult to stand up or walk outside, your car weaves back and forth and could be forced off the road if you attempt to drive, when even the most innocuous of objects can become dangerous projectiles. If off base, do not go visiting areas such as Bolo Point or Maeda Point to see the breakers; a maverick wave could pull you into the drink. Do not attempt to go surfing in such conditions; lurking just below the water’s surface might be a coral deposit or a series of rocks, which are licking their chops and rubbing their hands together gazing at you and whispering to each other, “fresh meat!” If you’re lucky, you’ll get only severe lacerations to the chest or face. If not … The U.S. Forces Japan instructions about tropical cyclones are written the way they are for a reason – to protect you and keep you and yours safe. The best advice is to stay indoors and ride it out.

TCCOR 1 Recovery (TCCOR 1-R) – Destructive winds of 58 mph are no longer occurring. Actual winds are 38 to 56 mph. Non-essential functions remain closed unless directed by the commander. All but emergency essential personnel remain in their quarters. This is NOT the time to venture from your quarters; the danger has not passed. Power lines and tree branches may be scattered everywhere. Water mains may be broken and flooding may be occurring. A gas line could be ruptured and cause a devastating explosion. Remain inside until the All-Clear is issued.
Storm Watch (TCCOR SW) – The typhoon is moving away, but the base is still feeling some effects. Hazardous conditions may still exist due to storm damage. In some cases, such as Typhoon Nari in September 2001, the storm could return to Okinawa , so stay alert. All military and civilian personnel will return to work within two hours or at normal duty hours and the commissary and BX will resume operations, unless directed otherwise by the installation commander.
All Clear (or reversion to TCCOR 4) – Hazardous conditions and winds are no longer present. Return to normal duties. All Clear is announced when all hazards have been cleared. DoDDS teachers, staff and students will return to school during normal hours..

Note – Wind speeds shown for each TCCOR serve as a guide for decision making. The final decision on TCCOR declaration rests with the 18th Wing commanding officer at Kadena Air Base based on wind speed, weather forecast, safety and operational and mission concerns.
Source – USFJ 10-4001 and 18th Wing Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan 10-2.
Keeping informed – Stay updated with the latest information on tropical storms, TCCORs and their movements by visiting the Joint Typhoon Warning Center’s public Web page; Kadena Air Base’s Facebook page; 18th Wing Weather Flight’s official page; and AFN Okinawa’s Facebook page.




Stay safe and informed


About the Author

Dave Ornauer has been with Stars and Stripes since March 5, 1981. One of his first assignments as a beat reporter in the old Japan News Bureau was “typhoon chaser,” a task which he resumed virtually full time since 2004, the year after his job, as a sports writer-photographer, moved to Okinawa and Ornauer with it.

As a typhoon reporter, Ornauer pores over Web sites managed by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center as well as U.S. government, military and local weather outlets for timely, topical information. Pacific Storm Tracker is designed to take the technical lingo published on those sites and simplify it for the average Stripes reader.