
Typhoon 17W (Sanba), # 25: Sasebo in TCCOR 1-C, Korea Area IV in TCCOR 1

10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 17, Japan/Korea time: It’s happening now, gang. Sasebo Naval Base is in Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness 1-C, and should remain that way until noon as Typhoon Sanba rapidly Sambas its way north to Korea. Winds between 58 and 68 mph are occurring at Sasebo, but are forecast to decrease rapidly later into the day.

Area IV installations in Korea are in TCCOR 1. Only mission-essential folks with an authorization from an O-6 and above permitted to move about. Road condition Black. Schools, exchange, commissary, MWR and virtually all garrison offices are closed. Dining facilities are open, however.

Pusan, Daegu and Chinhae can expect 55- to 65-mph sustained winds and 75-mph gusts as Sanba rolls through between noon and 2 p.m. It should move rapidly northeast into the Sea of Japan (or East Sea) by evening.

Stay safe!

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About the Author

Dave Ornauer has been with Stars and Stripes since March 5, 1981. One of his first assignments as a beat reporter in the old Japan News Bureau was “typhoon chaser,” a task which he resumed virtually full time since 2004, the year after his job, as a sports writer-photographer, moved to Okinawa and Ornauer with it.

As a typhoon reporter, Ornauer pores over Web sites managed by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center as well as U.S. government, military and local weather outlets for timely, topical information. Pacific Storm Tracker is designed to take the technical lingo published on those sites and simplify it for the average Stripes reader.