
Photo of Philip D. Murphy
Philip D. Murphy
Term of Appointment: 08/12/2009 to present

Philip D. Murphy was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany on August 7, 2009. He presented his credentials in Berlin to German President Horst Koehler on September 3, 2009.

Born in 1957, Ambassador Murphy is a native of the Boston, Massachusetts area. He graduated from Harvard University in 1979 with an A.B. in Economics and received an M.B.A. in 1983 from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

For over six decades, Germany has been one of the United States’ closest allies and, as such, Ambassador Murphy is honored and humbled by the position he occupies. During the Cold War, the German-American relationship was defined by a divided Berlin, Germany and Europe. Today, the U.S. works side-by-side with Germany across the range of its global interests.

Engaging Germany’s youth, none of whom were born during the Cold War, is a major focus of Ambassador Murphy’s, whether through town hall meetings, exchange programs or his regular communication through a variety of social media. He often says, “the legacy of our time together in Germany will be measured by how well we ‘set the table’ for tomorrow, by how deeply today’s youth understand the ongoing relevance of the transatlantic bridge. They are tomorrow’s leaders and our investment in their future is our highest priority.”

Ambassador Murphy spent 23 years at Goldman Sachs and held a variety of senior positions, including in Frankfurt, New York and Hong Kong, before becoming a Senior Director of the firm in 2003, a position he held until his retirement in 2006. After leaving Goldman Sachs, he served from 2006-2009 as the National Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Over the years, Ambassador Murphy has devoted substantial time to civic, community and philanthropic affairs. He has focused his efforts on areas including civil rights, education, progressive and pragmatic public policy, urban development and a variety of issues related to his adopted home state of New Jersey.

Ambassador Murphy and his family absolutely love living in Germany, representing the U.S.A. Soccer is a particular passion for the Murphy family. Ambassador Murphy has served on the board of the U.S. Soccer Foundation and he was a driving force in bringing a professional women’s soccer franchise to New Jersey. All Murphys play, to a greater or lesser degree, the beautiful game.

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