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Want to see what CDC and other health communication and social marketing professionals have done to reach their target audiences? On this page are links to numerous CDC campaigns plus other health communication and social marketing materials and interventions. Seeing what has worked in the past may help you as you develop your health promotion materials and campaigns.

HIV Prevention Campaigns at CDC

Two womenLet’s Stop HIV Together – A new HIV awareness and anti-stigma campaign featuring individuals with HIV who share their personal stories along with their friends and family, and call on Americans to join the fight against HIV.

AAA Logo Act Against AIDS – A five-year national campaign launched by CDC and the White House to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among all Americans and to reduce the risk of HIV infection among the hardest-hit populations – gay and bisexual men, African Americans, Latinos, and other communities at increased risk.

Two MenTesting Makes Us Stronger – A campaign to encourage black gay and bisexual men to get tested for HIV.

Man and a Women Take Charge. Take the Test. – A multi-faceted social marketing initiative designed to increase HIV testing among African American women.

HIV Screening.  Standard Care. HIV Screening. Standard Care. – A campaign to encourage primary care providers, gynecologists, and other health care providers to promote routine HIV testing during patient visits.

One Test Two LivesOne Test. Two Lives. – Information and materials to encourage health care providers to test pregnant women for HIV infection and help reduce the number of infants born with HIV.

Prevention IS CarePrevention IS CareA campaign to encourage health care providers who treat patients with HIV to screen their HIV-infected patients for risky transmission behaviors, and reiterate to HIV-infected patients the importance of protecting themselves and others by reducing risky behaviors.

Other Health Campaigns at CDC

Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer Campaign – Raises awareness of the five main types of gynecologic cancer: cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. When gynecologic cancers are found early, treatment is most effective.

Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work – Award-winning, national campaign aims to reduce antibiotic resistance by promoting appropriate prescribing guidelines among providers and educating adults and parents of young children to decrease demand for antibiotics for viral upper respiratory infections.

Brush Up on Healthy Teeth: Simple Steps for Kids Smiles – This is a health education campaign including a Brush Up Quiz for Parents.

Choose Respect – An initiative to help adolescents form healthy relationships to prevent dating abuse before it starts.

VERB™ It’s what you do. – A national, multicultural, social marketing campaign to increase physical activity.

BAM! – Interactive website for youth that will answers question related to fitness, disease, peer pressure.

It's A SNAP (School Network for Absenteeism Prevention) – A hands-on initiative for middle schools that's designed to help keep students in school and learning by improving overall health through promoting clean hands.

Nutrition for Everyone: Calcium and Bone Health – Information on bone health and osteoporosis.

5 A Day for Better Health – Information on fruits and vegetables and their sources of vitamins, minerals and other natural substances.

Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign – Informs men and women aged 50 years or older about the importance of having regular colorectal cancer screening tests.

Learn the Signs. Act Early. – Be aware of milestones that show a child's development. Acting early can make a real difference!

You Are Not Alone: Toolkit for Parents of Teens with Epilepsy – Supports parents with children with Epilepsy.

Tool Kit to Prevent Senior Falls – Information for seniors on how to prevent falls.

Folic Acid – Folic acid can prevent some major birth defects of a baby's brain and spine if taken before and during pregnancy.

FIGHT BAC! – The Partnership for Food Safety Education has created simple tools and resources to reduce foodborne illness.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Toolkit – A quick and easy-to-use resource for patients and healthcare providers.

Pre-teen Vaccine Campaign – Educating parents and providers about recommended pre-teen vaccines and the 11 and 12 year old medical check-up. Includes culturally-specific messages for Native American, Alaskan Native, Hispanic, Korean, and Vietnamese parents.

It's Their Turn! Initiative – Materials to help state and local health departments support the implementation of ACIP adolescent vaccine recommendations.

Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents – Materials help providers assess parents' needs in making decisions for their child's health and communicate in ways that meet their needs. Print-ready flyers and brochures can help inform parents.

National Infant Immunization Week – International event focuses on promoting vaccines for infants and celebrating achievements of partner immunization programs. Available resources include media toolkit, print materials, and web tools for partner use.

National Influenza Vaccination Week – National observance highlights the importance of continuing influenza vaccination. Available resources include media toolkit, print materials, PSAs, audio/video tools, and web tools for partner use.

Seasonal Influenza Free Resources – Free print, audio/visual, and social media tools and resources promoting CDC's flu vaccine recommendations to diverse audiences.

Social Media Campaigns

Social Media Campaigns - Social Media at CDC

Current Social Media Campaigns - Social Media at CDC

Other Campaigns

Pink Book - Making Health Communication Programs Work, National Cancer Institute

An Evaluation Primer on Health Risk Communication Programs - Agencies of the federal government, share the broadest set of responsibilities for determining and communicating health risks to the public, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry


Health Out Loud Blog.

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    1600 Clifton Rd
    Atlanta, GA 30333
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    TTY: (888) 232-6348
  • Page last reviewed: August 13, 2012
  • Page last updated: August 13, 2012
  • Page maintained by: Division of News and Electronic Media (DNEM), Office of the Associate Director for Communication (OADC)
  • Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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