August 16, 2005 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Methods of Internet job searching

Reading on-line ads or job listings (92.6 percent of Internet jobseekers) was the most common Internet job search method between January and October 2003.

Jobsearch methods of Internet jobseekers, January - October 2003
[Chart data—TXT]

Researching information on potential employers was a job search method of 70.2 percent of Internet jobseekers, while 57.0 percent used the Internet to submit a resume or application. Posting a resume on a job listing site or with a service was a method used by 41.0 percent of Internet jobseekers.

This pattern of Internet job search was essentially the same regardless of demographic characteristics, occupation, or industry.

This information is from a special supplement to the October 2003 Current Population Survey. Slightly more than 1 in every 10 individuals in the civilian noninstitutional population age 16 and over reported that they had used the Internet between January and October 2003 to search for a job. Find more information in "Computer and Internet Use at Work in 2003" news release USDL 05-1457.


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