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Latest from USIP on Colombia

  • September 11, 2012   |   Publication

    The Colombian government announced that it will begin peace negotiations with the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), signaling a potential end to the hemisphere’s longest-running armed conflict. USIP’s Virginia Bouvier examines the steps ahead.

  • September 5, 2012   |   Publication

    With the recent announcement that the Colombian government is going to begin formal peace talks with the FARC this coming October, USIP's Virginia Bouvier reflects on USIP's contribution to the country's pathway to peace. 

  • September 4, 2012   |   Publication

    Raymond Gilpin, USIP's Center for Sustainable Economies director, discusses how a USIP project to analyze the vulnerability of energy infrastructure in fragile, resource-rich countries could inform policy-making and strengthen efforts to secure peace.

  • September 4, 2012   |   In the Field

    USIP’s Virginia Bouvier and Susan Hayward recently traveled to Colombia in order to strengthen the connection between religion, women and peace. This "In the Field" is an account of their trip.

USIP Goals in Colombia

The United States Institute of Peace seeks to support a non-violent transformation of the conflict in Colombia.  In the absence of national peace processes, the USIP is supporting initiatives to help create an environment propitious for a political, negotiated solution.  The Institute seeks to:


Work & Analysis

Video | July 2012
"Inside Story Americas, July 18, 2012"

Virginia M. Bouvier joined the Al Jazeera program to discuss Colombia's war-torn Cauca region, where indigenous people tired of conflict recently demanded that both the military and armed rebels leave the area to ensure peace.

In the Field | November 2011
Building Community in the Search for Justice: A Visit to Colombia's City of Women

USIP's Virginia M. Bouvier reflects on her 2011 visit to Colombia's City of Women, a settlement for people displaced by violence. | Read more


Grant Highlight by Cassandra Atlas and Virginia M. Bouvier | July 2011
Women as Peacebuilders: A Regional Case Study in Colombia

USIP is supporting a research project being undertaken by Winifred Tate, an anthropologist and former USIP Peace Scholar, to document and analyze the role of women in local community-based conflict resolution efforts in the Putumayo department of Colombia. | Read more


Grant Highlight by Cassandra Atlas and Virginia M. Bouvier | July 2011

USIP supported the gender unit of the Historical Memory Group (HMG) to develop a unique interdisciplinary and participatory methodology to produce the first official report of the HMG Gender Unit. | Read more


Grant Highlight by Cassandra Atlas and Virginia M. Bouvier | June 2011
Training Colombian Journalists

This project sought to highlight the broad spectrum of issues that link media and conflict resolution through a series of customized workshops and trainings in Washington, DC for Colombian war correspondents and editors.  While providing an innovative training for Colombian journalists and war correspondents this pilot program also paved the way for more training for war correspondents within other war ridden countries. | Read more


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