
Map of Afghanistan and the region

Featured Publications & Tools

Latest from USIP on Afghanistan

  • October 2, 2012   |   Publication

    In The New York Times, USIP President Jim Marshall outlines the strategic importance of ensuring a legitimate election in Afghanistan and Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s great opportunity to strengthen his country’s democracy.

  • October 2, 2012   |   Course

    Learn how to build the capacity of law enforcement actors and institutions to provide civilian-led security to the population, including how to assess capacity, identify the appropriate police structure to respond to specific issues, and transfer knowledge to police actors, from the ministry to the local station.

  • September 27, 2012   |   Publication

    The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and the non-profit Partnership for a Secure America (PSA) on September 27 held the first meeting in their “Congressional Briefing Series--Topics on International Conflict Resolution and Prevention.”

  • September 25, 2012   |   Publication

    Frances Z. Brown and William Byrd, two of USIP's Afghanistan specialists, discuss the challenges facing Afghanistan in transitioning to full national control over its security and domestic affairs as international military activity and other assistance wind down.


USIP works to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan, and has since 2002. The Institute runs programs designed to improve understanding of peaceful dispute resolution, advance peace education in schools and communities, enhance dialogue between leading Afghans and the international community, and promote the rule of law. USIP established an office in Kabul in 2008. This on-the-ground presence has greatly increased USIP‘s contact with and understanding of events, programs, and attitudes in Afghanistan, and has strengthened its capacity to execute innovative and effective programs in the country. | Read more  

USIP Goals in Afghanistan

USIP experts in Kabul and Washington are working diligently toward peace and stability by implementing projects aimed at:


In the Field: The Kabul Office

USIP maintains a full-time presence in Afghanistan to help plan, implement, and oversee all USIP projects in Afghanistan.The Kabul Office staff is made up of Americans and Afghans who play an indispensable role in providing the latest on-the-ground information on Afghanistan and who support and administer all USIP programs in the country. | Read more 


Publications & Tools

The following are highlights to USIP's publications and tools on Afghanistan.


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