Last updated July 2011


Welcome to the Industrial Research and Development Information System (IRIS). This database holds all of the statistics produced by the National Science Foundation's Survey of Industry Research and Development (SIRD) for 1953 to 2007, the last year SIRD was conducted. It has been replaced by the Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey (BRDIS), which expands NSF's coverage of business R&D and innovation activities. IRIS data prior to 1999 are based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and pre-SIC codes. Beginning with the 1999 survey, estimates are based on the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).

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What kinds of data are available here?

This searchable database contains tabulated statistics for selected periods on such measures as industry R&D funding and industry R&D personnel. These statistics are broken out by such dimensions as source, industrial sector, character of work, and company size.

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