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Healthcare Environmental Resource Center

This site provides pollution prevention and compliance assistance information for the healthcare sector. It is intended to be a comprehensive resource, covering all the varieties of hospital wastes, and all the rules that apply to them, including both federal regulations and the specific rules that apply in your state. If you see any topics that are not covered, or if you have any suggestions for making this site more useful, please let us know.

What's New on HERC

VetCA DogVisit the New Veterinary Compliance Assistance Center
The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) launched the Veterinary Compliance Assistance Center (VetCA) on July 15, 2011. VetCA, developed with the assistance of the American Veterinary Medical Association, provides veterinarians with everything they need to know
about meeting environmental regulatory obligations, all in one place. VetCA includes tools, references, links, and best practices, designed to uncomplicate the maze of environmental regulations facing vets. VetCA covers hazardous material/waste, medical waste, carcass disposal, facility issues, and more.

Healthcare Waste Conference – May 2-3, 2012 – Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas
The Healthcare Waste Institute’s annual Healthcare Waste Conference (formerly the Medical Waste Conference) is the only show in the United States strictly devoted to healthcare waste. The event focuses on the latest regulatory, legislative, and technical issues that affect the healthcare waste business, and attracts key decision makers from around the world.
Use code MW1 for 25% off!

ETO Update. After February 28, 2010, a single chamber process is required for ethylene oxide (ETO) treatment of medical equipment and devices in hospitals and healthcare facilities. More ...

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE). Any healthcare facility with either emergency or non-emergency generators should be aware of the implications of this wide-reaching rule, which may require retrofits of existing generators. More...

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC). On Nov. 5, 2009 EPA promulgated revisions to the December 2008 amendments. Regulated facilities must develop and implement SPCC Plans that establish procedures and equipment requirements to help prevent oil discharges from reaching navigable waters. More...

On September 25, 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a series of steps that building owners and school administrators should take to reduce exposure to PCBs that may be found in caulk in hospitals constructed or renovated between 1950 and 1978. More.



New Federal Rule Establishes Requirements During Renovation, Repair and Painting Activities that Disturb Lead-Based Paint
The covered facilities include parts of hospitals where children under age six are present on a regular basis. The rule applies to renovation, repair or painting activities. (More information.)

Healthcare in New England. A guide to environmental resources and assistance for hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Sustainable Healthcare. Current information and breaking news on sustainable practices, conferences/ workshops, and MLB maintained by Virginia Thompson, winner of the 2009 Federal Women's Program Heroine Award.

EPA proposes to add Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste to Universal Waste Rule. See Fact Sheet.

Disposal of Unused Medications
—Advice for Households

This fact sheet provides guidance to private citizens on ways to safely dispose of unused medications.

DentalDental Wastes: This fact sheet HERC provides is an overview of best management practices for handling and recycle/disposal of wastes commonly generated at dental offices, including amalgam, x-ray wastes, cleaners, etc. More...

Epinephrine Fact Sheet: This fact sheet provides information to assist healthcare facilities with hazardous waste determinations regarding epinephrine wastes (PO42). For Information on state rules, download PharmWaste Technologies state summary.

Need help in carrying out your waste reduction, mercury elimination, or environmental compliance program? Practice Greenhealth can show you the way.

New Library Feature
added to HERC

The HERCenter has special pages covering your state's rules for the following topics:

RCRA/Hazardous Waste | Universal Waste | Regulated Medical Waste
OSHA | Mercury | Air Pollution | Asbestos | C&D Debris

News & Events

  • 09/11/12 Management of Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals 2013 Proposal to Address the Management of Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals  Updates [more ]

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