Dr. Guillermo A. Arreaza-Rubin

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 2DEM, Room 6101
6707 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20817
Tel: 301-594-4724
Fax: 301-480-3503
Email: arreazag@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Guillermo A. Arreaza-Rubin

Current Position:
Program Director, Clinical Immunology of Diabetes

Current Portfolio/Responsibilities:

Program director for the SBIR-STTR program that covers:

a) Drug discovery for diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

b) New technologies for islet isolation, stem cells/regeneration, and transplantation.

c) Immune modulatory agents for the primary and secondary prevention of diabetes.

d) Inflammatory aspects of Type II diabetes/insulin resistance and obesity.

e) Closed Loop Systems/Artificial Pancreas development.

Manage Glucose Sensors and Drug Development portfolios.

Co-director, Type 1 Diabetes-Rapid Access for Intervention Development (T1D-RAID).

Program Officer for the contract awarded to Biomedical Research Models (BRM),

      Inc., for Preclinical Studies of Efficacy in Animal Models of Type 1 Diabetes.

Executive Secretary of the Clinical Islet Transplantation Consortium (CIT) Data and

      Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). NIDDK representative to the Immunology and

            Mechanistic Committee of this consortium.

Previous Training and Experience:

M.D., Central University of Venezuela (1975-1982)

Internal Medicine-Specialty, Univ. Hospital, Central Univ. of Venezuela (1985-1988)

Endocrinology and Metabolism/Diabetology-Specialty, University Hospital,

      Central University of Venezuela (1988-1991)

Research Fellowship (Immuno-endocrinology), Endocrinology Research Laboratory,

      The Wellesley Hospital, Dept. of Medicine, University of Toronto (1991-1994)

Post-doctoral Fellowship (Immunology of Diabetes), The Robarts Research Institute,

      Autoimmunity/Diabetes Group, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada (1994-1997)

Senior Research Associate, The Robarts Research Institute. Autoimmunity/Diabetes

      Group, University of Western Ontario, Canada (1998-2000)

Senior Scientist, Diabetogen Biosciences, Inc., London, Ontario, Canada (2000-2003)

Scientific Director, Diabetogen Biosciences, Inc., London, Ontario, Canada (2003-2005)

Committees/ Working Groups:

Interagency and trans-NIH:

Represents NIDDK at the Steering Committee of the Technologies for Metabolic Monitoring (TMM) interagency initiative
NIDDK representative to the Interagency Artificial Pancreas Working Group (IAPWG)
NIDDK representative to the Office on Research on Women’s Health (ORWH)Regulation of Inflammatory Responses Working Group
Member of the NIH-Immunology Interest Group
Member of the NIH-Mucosal Immunology Interest Group


Type 1 Diabetes Working Group Autoimmunity Working Group
DEM Clinical Working Group
Beta Cell Working Group
DEM-SBIR-STTR Working Group (Coordinator)

Other Activities:
Grant applications reviewer for “Diabetes UK
Reviewer for several peer reviewed journals in the area of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Immunology

Page last updated: December 17, 2007

General inquiries may be addressed to:
Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Bldg 31, Rm 9A06
31 Center Drive, MSC 2560
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560

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