Press Release
May 17, 2002
NHPRC Recommends 60 Grants Totaling Up To $3,216,660

National Historical Publications and Records Commission
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 111
Washington, DC 20408-0001

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission recommended that the Archivist of the United States (and NHPRC Chairman) John W. Carlin make grants totaling $3,216,660 for 60 projects at its meeting on May 14 and 15, held in the U.S. Senate Rules Committee Hearing Room of the Russell Senate Office Building,

In convening the meeting on May 14, Chairman John W. Carlin thanked Senator Christopher Dodd, the US Senate's representative to the NHPRC, for arranging for the meeting to be held in the Rules Committee Hearing Room and also for making it possible for a reception and dinner to be held that evening to honor NHPRC Distinguished Service Awardee Dr. John Brademas in the US Capitol. The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the long and distinguished service given to the Commission by Marvin F. "Bud" Moss, this being his last Commission meeting. He announced that he was appointing Dr. Mary Maples Dunn to the place on the Commission's Executive Committee vacated by Mr. Moss. Mr. Carlin also expressed his appreciation for the service of Ann Clifford Newhall as the Commission's Executive Director; Ms. Newhall has announced her resignation from that position, effective in June. The Commission passed resolutions thanking both Mr. Moss and Ms. Newhall for their service.

The Commission also approved the release of third-year funding for the Center for Jewish History, New York, NY; endorsed one documentary publication proposal it was unable to fund; and established priorities for funding eight additional records access projects should funds become available.

The Commission passed the following additional resolutions at its meeting:

Resolved, that the NHPRC at its May 2002 meeting maintain a 50-50 split of Fiscal Year 2002 appropriated funds between records and publications projects. All funds returned to the Commission (by completed projects) during Fiscal Year 2002 shall be used to reduce an across-the-board cut of funding of ongoing publications projects to approximately 12.5%. All funds returned after the Commission meeting and before the end of the fiscal year shall be provided to specific publications projects that are deemed closest to completion and that would benefit from additional funds.

Resolved, that the NHPRC authorizes the Commission staff to work with the Association for Documentary Editing or another applicant to prepare a proposal for a working meeting or meetings to assess the current state of documentary editing in the electronic environment, and to provide the Commission and its staff with valuable information that can be used to improve the effectiveness of its publications program and to inform the revision of the Commission's strategic plan.

Resolved, that the NHPRC instructs the Commission staff to employ the most recent OMB standard budget forms in the application process and to elicit through its normal procedures as much information from applicants as it has normally done in the past.

Resolved, that the NHPRC thanks the Fire Department of the City of New York for its proposal to preserve and make available for research the historical records of the Department, which the New York State Historical Records Advisory Board returned to the applicant for further work and resubmission in another cycle. The Commission wishes to express its interest in exploring a possible project involving the (preservation and access to archival New York City) Fire Department journals, and encourages the Fire Department of the City of New York to work with the Commission staff and the New York State Historical Records Advisory Board in developing a revised proposal to be considered at the Commission's May 2003 meeting.

With regard to competitive grant proposals, the Commission recommended that the Archivist of the United States make grants of up to $1,652,534 for 31 documentary editing projects; $57,918 for seven documentary editing subventions; up to $29,991 for three state board administrative support projects; and $1,476,217 for 19 records access projects. The Commission also endorsed one documentary editing project it was unable. Established priorities for the funding of eight additional records access projects if sufficient funds become available through the inability of certain records projects already funded in Fiscal Year 2002 to meet the conditions specified for their grants. A list of funded proposals follows below.

At a reception and dinner held on the evening of May 14 in the Lyndon B. Johnson Room of the United States Capitol, the NHPRC honored Dr. John Brademas, the recipient of the 2002 NHPRC Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented by Chairman John W. Carlin; Senator Christopher Dodd spoke of his long friendship with Dr. Brademas and of his support for the work of the NHPRC. In addition to the NHPRC members, the guests included: Senator Paul Sarbanes, House Democratic Whip Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Timothy Roemer, Ambassador Philip Kaiser, and George Washington University President Stephen Trachtenberg.

Following the completion of other Commission business on May 15, Leon Stout, Head of Public Services and Outreach at the Eberly Family Special Collections Library, Penn State University, and recent past president of the Society of American Archivists, briefed the members on electronic records issues.

The following Commissioners were present at the May meeting: Chairman John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States; Nicholas C. Burckel, Presidential appointee; Charles T. Cullen, representing the Association for Documentary Editing; Senator Christopher J. Dodd, representing the US Senate; Mary Maples Dunn, representing the American Historical Association; Fynnette Eaton, representing the Society of American Archivists; Barbara J. Fields, representing the Organization of American Historians; Brent Glass, representing the American Association for State and Local History; Alfred Goldberg, representing the Department of Defense; Margaret P. Grafeld, representing the Department of State; Marvin F. "Bud" Moss, Presidential appointee; Justice David H. Souter, representing the United States Supreme Court; and Roy C. Turnbaugh, representing the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators. Absent were Representative Roy D. Blunt (R-MO), representing the US House of Representatives, and Winston Tabb, who represents the Librarian of Congress.

Information on NHPRC objectives and activities is available at our Web site. Application materials for all Commission grants, including fellowships, may be requested by telephone, fax, mail, or e-mail:

700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 111
Washington, DC 20408-0001

Telephone: (202) 501-5610
FAX: (202) 501-5601
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Documentary Editing Projects

  • Duke University, Durham, NC: A conditional grant of up to $52,539 for The Jane Addams Papers.
  • University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC: A conditional grant of up to $42,916 for The Papers of John C. Calhoun.
  • The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA: A conditional grant of up to $13,098 for The Papers of Charles Carroll of Carrollton.
  • Richard and Shirley Flint, Villanueva, NM: A conditional grant of up to $20,060 for a dual-language edition of documents relating to the Coronado Expedition.
  • William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX: A conditional grant of up to $70,208 for The Papers of Jefferson Davis.
  • Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN: A conditional grant of up to $15,840 for The Papers of Frederick Douglass.
  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ: A conditional grant of up to $44,960 for The Papers of Thomas Edison.
  • University of Maryland, College Park, MD: A conditional grant of up to $82,879 for Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867.
  • Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles, CA: A conditional grant of up to $50,882 for The Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers.
  • Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, CA: A conditional grant of up to $87,317 for The Emma Goldman Papers.
  • University of Maryland, College Park, MD: A conditional grant of up to $69,854 for The Samuel Gompers Papers.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Association, Carbondale, IL: A conditional grant of up to $67,612 for The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI: A conditional grant of up to $73,513 for The Papers of General Nathanael Greene.
  • University of Arizona, Arizona State Museum, Tucson, AZ: A conditional grant of up to $43,993 for Documentary Relations of the Southwest.
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN: A conditional grant of up to $66,016 for The Papers of Andrew Jackson.
  • Pace University, New York, NY: Endorsement of The Harriet Jacobs Papers: A Documentary Edition.
  • Stanford University, Stanford, CA: A conditional grant of up to $56,011 for The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC: A conditional grant of up to $73,793 for The Papers of Henry Laurens.
  • Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield, IL: A conditional grant of up to $63,496 for The Lincoln Legal Papers: A Documentary History of the Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln, 1836-1861.
  • George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, VA: A conditional grant of up to $49,771 for The Papers of George Catlett Marshall.
  • Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, VA: A conditional grant of up to $20,004 for The Papers of John Marshall.
  • State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, Nassau, NY: A conditional grant of up to $48,025 for a documentary edition of the papers of Clarence Mitchell, Jr.
  • The American University, Washington, DC: A conditional grant of up to $40,008 for The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted.
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN: A conditional grant of up to $41,767 for The Correspondence of James K. Polk.
  • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: A conditional grant of up to $86,684 for its Presidential Recordings Project.
  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC: A conditional grant of up to $22,235 for Race, Slavery and Free Blacks: Petitions to Southern Legislatures and County Courts, 1776-1867.
  • The George Washington University, Washington, DC: A conditional grant of up to $130,976 for its Eleanor Roosevelt and Human Rights project.
  • New York University, New York, NY: A conditional grant of up to $58,343 for The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger.
  • Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ: A conditional grant of up to $48,025 for The Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
  • Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA: A conditional grant of up to $54,955 for The Howard Thurman Papers.
  • East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA: A conditional grant of up to $56,756 for The Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800.

Documentary Editing Subvention

  • University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: A subvention grant of $10,000 for The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, Vol. 11.
  • University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: A subvention grant of $10,000 for The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State Series, Vol. 6.
  • University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC: A subvention grant of $7,000 for The Papers of Henry Laurens, Vol. 16.
  • University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC: A subvention grant of $5,000 for The Papers of John C. Calhoun, Vol. 27.
  • University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: A subvention grant of $10,000 for The Selected Letters of Dolley Payne Madison.
  • Kent State University Press, Kent, OH: A subvention grant of $10,000 for The Papers of Robert A. Taft, Vol. 3.
  • University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: A subvention grant of $10,000 for The Papers of Emma Goldman, Vol. 1, Made for America.

State Board Administrative Support

  • Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME: A grant of $9,991 for board administrative support.
  • Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, NE: A conditional grant of up to $10,000 for state board administrative support.
  • Tennessee State Historical Records Advisory Board, Nashville, TN: A grant of $10,000 for board administrative support.

Records Access

  • San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA: A two-year grant of $121,401 for its Sam Kagel Collection Processing Project to appraise, process, publicize, and make accessible the case files and other records of labor-management arbitrator Sam Kagel.
  • Louis Wolfson II Media History Center, Miami, FL: A two-year grant of $87,070 for its South Florida Television Preservation and Access Project to preserve and make accessible three collections that comprise some of the earliest recordings of local television in South Florida.
  • City of Lewiston, Maine: A one-year grant of $37,352 for its Bates Manufacturing Company Records Processing Project to arrange and describe the records of the Bates Manufacturing Company, 1852-1980.
  • New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA: A two-year grant of $84,603 for its Archives Development Project to establish an archives and records management program.
  • Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO: A two-year grant of $130,999 for its Archives and Records Survey Project to conduct a records survey of the 25 offices of the University as a first step in establishing a university archives and records management program.
  • The New-York Historical Society, New York, NY: A two-year grant of $57,500 for its Cass Gilbert Archival Project to arrange and describe records from the collection of architect Cass Gilbert.
  • Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA: An 18-month grant of $64,320 for its Photograph Processing Project to arrange, describe, and preserve 9,600 photographs in the hospital's collection that date from the period 1860-1990.
  • Diocese of Amarillo, Amarillo, TX: A two-year grant of $36,000 for its Diocese Records Preservation Project to develop an institutional archives and records management program.
  • Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Lakeport, CA: A one-year grant of $40,685 for its Big Valley Rancheria Records Reclamation Project to develop an archives and records management program.
  • Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, CA: A two-year grant of $168,854 for its NAACP West Coast Region Records Project to process, arrange, and describe the records of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, West Coast Region.
  • Society of California Archivists, Sacramento, CA: A 10-month grant of $12,305 for its Native American/Tribal Archivists Curriculum Project to develop a curriculum and a class schedule for a Western Archives Institute-Special Institute for Native American and Tribal Archivists, to be held in August 2003.
  • Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, CA: A one-year grant of $78,891 for its Him Mark Lai Collection Processing Project to process and make available the collection of Chinese-American scholar Him Mark Lai.
  • Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT: A one-year grant of $75,526 for its Judicial Records Project to complete the processing of the records of four county courts and formulate a plan for preserving and providing access to all of the state's early county court records.
  • The Linn County Historical Society/The History Center, Cedar Rapids, IA: An 18-month grant of $55,036 for its Archives Collection Processing Project to organize, describe, and make available collections documenting Cedar Rapids and the surrounding region.
  • University of Maine, Orono, ME: A two-year grant of $109,787 for its Environment and Development in New England Project to process 91 collections documenting the activities of New England businesses that have had an impact on the region's environment.
  • Board of Regents, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE: A conditional one-year grant of up to $10,065 for its George Cather Ray Collection Microfilming Project to microfilm a collection of materials from relatives of Willa Cather relating to her works.
  • American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, TN: A 15-month grant of $88,758 for its Council of State Historical Records Coordinators (COSHRC)/Expanded National Collaboration and Administration Project to continue regular meetings and administration of COSHRC; maintain its Web site; provide regular communication among COSHRC, State Historical Records Advisory Boards, and the NHPRC; and broaden national collaboration among records keepers.
  • Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA: A conditional two-year grant of up to $137,523 for its Northwest Archives Processing Initiative Project to organize, describe, and catalog archival and photographic collections documenting a wide range of subjects in the region.
  • State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, WI: A conditional one-year grant of up to $79,542 for its Photograph Collections Cataloging Project to produce collection-level descriptive entries for 3,000 processed photograph lots and to load those descriptions into an online catalog.

Records Access Projects Contingent Upon the Availability of Funds

The following projects were approved for funding in the order presented, provided that sufficient funds become available through the inability of certain projects already funded to meet the conditions specified for their grants.

  • Washingtoniana Division, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, DC: A conditional one-year grant of up to $40,000 for its Photographic Preservation and Access Project to improve the physical housing of and intellectual access to the Washington Star newspaper's photographic collection.
  • Vedanta Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA: A conditional one-year grant of up to $25,000 for its George Fritts Preservation and Accessibility Project to process and preserve the slides, photographs, and tape recordings of George Fritts, a Vedanta monk who documented the society's daily activities for decades.
  • Immigrant City Archives, Lawrence, MA: A one-year grant of $24,663 for its Essex Company Collection Preservation Project to organize, describe, and make available its Essex Company Collection; to deal with photographic images in the collection; and to produce a curriculum unit based on the collection.
  • The Creek Indian Memorial Association, Okmulgee, OK: A conditional one-year grant of up to $62,008 for its Muscogee (Creek) Nation Records Survey Project to develop an archives and records management program for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation.
  • College of Medicine, J. Hills Miller Health Science Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL: A two-year grant of $58,681 for its Medical History Center and Archives Project to arrange and describe records relating to the origins and development of the J. Hills Miller Health Science Center.
  • University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY: A two-year grant of $97,940 for its Lexington Herald-Leader Photograph Morgue Project to arrange and describe the photograph morgue of one of Lexington's newspapers.
  • The Outdoor Circle, Honolulu, HI: A one-year grant of $40,222 for its project to survey the organization's records; arrange, describe, preserve, and make accessible those records with legal and historical value; and establish a records management plan and retention schedule for the records.
  • The Newark Museum Association, Newark, NJ: A one-year grant of $51,500 for its Institutional Records Processing Project to arrange, describe, and make available museum records dealing with exhibitions, collections, educational outreach, and marketing.

Congressionally Directed Grants

  • The Center for Jewish History, New York, NY: Release of third-year funding of up to $316,733 for its Integrated Collection Management and Access System Project.

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