North Korea: Working to Produce Strong Resolution

Susan E. Rice
Permanent Representative to the United Nations 
James B. Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State in Tokyo, Japan, June 2, 2009
New York City
June 1, 2009


Ambassador Rice: "We are having very good and productive discussions. These discussions continue. I think we are making progress, and I am hopeful that in due course we will be producing a very worthy and strong resolution."

Deputy Secretary Steinberg: "I think from my reports from (US) Ambassador Rice in New York, I think that the Chinese are very actively engaged in these discussions, they've had a number of good ideas of their own. We're working very closely to try to find common ground on that and I think we're going to come up with a good result in New York and I look forward to my efforts and conversations not only on the steps that we'll take in adopting a new resolution but how we'll follow up with that afterwards."


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