2011 Global Women's Issues Releases

-12/19/11  Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Women, Peace, and Security;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/16/11  Keynote Address at the International Crisis Group's "In Pursuit of Peace" Award Dinner;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Pier Sixty at Chelsea Pier; New York, NY
-12/15/11  Remarks to the Women in Public Service Colloquium;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-12/12/11  The 3F (Food-Fuel-Finance) Crises in Africa: Women at the Forefront;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-12/07/11  Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development "Excellence in Running Small Businesses" Conference;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-12/05/11  Remarks at the Afghan Women's Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Bonn Conference Center; Bonn, Germany
-11/30/11  Keynote at the Opening Session of the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Busan Exhibition and Convention Center; Busan, South Korea
-11/30/11  Remarks at the Special Session on Gender at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Busan Exhibition and Convention Center; Busan, South Korea
-11/28/11  Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Participation In the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness; Washington, DC
-11/25/11  International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-11/21/11  International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-11/15/11  Financial Times Women at the Top Conference;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Shanghai, China
-11/11/11  Remarks With Nina Easton of Fortune Magazine at the CEO Summit on Women and the Economy;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sheraton Waikiki; Honolulu, Hawaii
-11/10/11  America's Pacific Century;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; East-West Center; Honolulu, HI
-11/10/11  Womenetics Global Initiative Award;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Global Women's Initiative Conference; Washington, DC
-11/09/11  International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Beijing, China
-11/08/11  Remarks at the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute's (CCAI) The Way Forward Project Summit;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-11/05/11  Remarks For The "Highlighting Solutions To Stop Violence" Against Women Policy Dialogue;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-11/02/11  Women and the Arab Spring; Deputy Assistant Secretary Tamara C. Wittes, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-11/02/11  Women and the Arab Spring;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-11/01/11  Video Remarks at OECD Event: "Growing Economies Through Women's Entrepreneurship";  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-10/28/11  Remarks With Yemeni Nobel Prize Winner Tawakkul Karman After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; East Hall; Washington, DC
-10/27/11  15th Annual Global Goddess Artemis Awards Ceremony;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-10/24/11  Invest for the Future: Women Driving Economic Growth;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Zagreb, Croatia
-10/21/11  Womensphere Pan-European Summit 2011;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Said Business School, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom; Washington, DC
-10/20/11  Women for Afghan Women;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Women for Afghan Women Tenth Anniversary Gala; Washington, DC
-10/18/11  Town Hall Meeting With Youth and Civil Society;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Tripoli University; Tripoli, Libya
-10/17/11  The Women's Foundation Annual Gala Fundraising Dinner, Hong Kong;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Video Statevment; Washington, DC
-10/15/11  Death of the Damas de Blanco Founder Laura Pollan; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-10/12/11  Armenian Women's Leadership Conference;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-10/07/11  Congratulations to Female Nobel Peace Laureates;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-10/05/11  Meeting With Pathways Women Entrepreneurs;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
-10/03/11  Honoring Participants of African Women's Entrepreneurship Program;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-09/20/11  Remarks at the High-Level Meeting on Nutrition;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
-09/19/11  Remarks on Women's Political Participation at UN Women Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations; New York City
-09/19/11   Women and Agriculture: A Conversation on Improving Global Food Security
-09/19/11  Women and Agriculture: A Conversation on Improving Global Food Security;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Intercontinental Hotel; New York City
-09/18/11  Preview of the Haiti Ministerial Meeting and the Panel Discussion on Women and Agriculture: Improving Global Food Security; Waldorf-Astoria; New York City
-09/16/11  Remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Women and the Economy Summit;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Westin Saint Francis; San Francisco, CA
-09/15/11  Background Briefing on Women in the Global Economy; San Francisco, CA
-09/13/11  Remarks at the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Partnership at the Summit To Save Lives;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium; Washington, DC
-09/13/11   Remarks by Lois Quam, GHI Executive Director; "7 Billion People: Counting on Each Other - Unleashing the Power of Women and Girls"
-09/07/11  The Vital Role of Afghan Women in Peace, Security, and Economic Development Processes;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Empowering Afghan Women Conference; The Hague, Netherlands
-09/01/11  Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Advancing the Role of Women in Leadership, Diplomacy, and Government;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; University of Nevada at Las Vegas; Las Vegas, NV
-08/17/11  Why Women Are Key to Economic Growth;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Mexico City, Mexico
-08/11/11  Acceptance of the Annual Mildred Robbins Leet Award for the Advancement of Women;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; InterAction Awards Gala; Washington, DC
-07/28/11  Remarks at USAID's Saving Lives at Birth Development Exchange Awards Ceremony "77 Inventions That Could Save Moms and Babies";  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ronald Reagan Building; Washington, DC
-07/26/11  International Women's Economic Summit "Peace Through Business" Graduation Ceremony;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-07/20/11  Remarks on The Working Women's Forum;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Chennai, India
-07/19/11  Opening of Central Asia and Afghanistan Women's Economic Symposium; Acting Deputy Spokesperson Heide Bronke Fulton, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-07/18/11  Central Asia and Afghanistan Women's Economic Symposium;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Central Asia and Afghanistan Women's Economic Symposium; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
-07/13/11  Background Briefing on the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Adoptions Agreement; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-07/08/11  Interview With PBS's Gini Reticker for "Women, War and Peace" Series;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/06/11  Remarks at Closing Luncheon for TechWomen Initiative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-07/06/11  Reports of Mass Rapes in Democratic Republic of the Congo; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/30/11  Remarks at Women Enhancing Democracy Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Presidential Palace; Vilnius, Lithuania
-06/27/11  The Vital Role of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Food and Agriculture Organization; Rome, Italy
-06/20/11  The Political and Economic Power of Women;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Center for International Private Enterprise; Washington, DC
-06/16/11  Sexual Violence in Libya, the Middle East and North Africa;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/12/11  Feed the Future Announcement at Mlandizi Farm Women's Cooperative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/12/11  Remarks With Dr. Mwajuma Mbaga at the Buguruni Health Center;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/12/11  Remarks With Tanzanian Prime Minster Mizengo Pinda and Irish Deputy Prime Minister Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore at the High-Level Meeting on Nutrition and 1,000 Days Initiative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-06/12/11  Secretary Clinton Visits Buguruni Health Center in Tanzania; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-06/11/11  Remarks at the University Teaching Hospital Paediatric Centre of Excellence;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/10/11  Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity Forum;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mulungushi International Conference Center; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/10/11  Integrating African Women Into the Global Economy;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Ministerial Plenary; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/10/11  June 13 Symposium on Changing Mindsets to Promote Women and Girls in Science; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/10/11  Remarks to Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mulungushi International Conference Centre; Lusaka, Zambia
-06/06/11  Remarks on the Launching of the Women's World Cup Initiative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-06/02/11  A New Public-Private Partnership With the MAC AIDS Fund to Combat Gender-Based Violence in South Africa;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/01/11  Special Advisor for Children's Issues Ambassador Susan Jacobs travels with U.S. Delegation to The Hague; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-05/31/11  Policy Dialogue on Healthy Women, Healthy Economies;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
-05/31/11  Video Remarks To "Healthy Women, Healthy Economies";  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-05/26/11  OECD Session on Development and Gender;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; OECD Conference Center; Paris, France
-05/26/11  Remarks at UNESCO Global Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Paris, France
-05/26/11  Remarks to the OECD Ministerial Session on Development and Gender;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Paris, France
-05/25/11  Briefing on National Missing Children's Day;  Special Advisor for Children's Issues Susan S. Jacobs; Via Teleconference
-05/24/11  National Missing Children's Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-05/08/11  Interview With Julia Roberts for the Oprah Winfrey Network;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-05/06/11  Secretary Clinton and Julia Roberts Joint Op-Ed: 'Clean stoves" would save lives, cut pollution; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-05/03/11  New Partnership To Strengthen Mobile Health Programs for Moms; White House; Washington, DC
-05/03/11  Unveiling of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-04/30/11  Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; DipNote Blog; Washington, DC
-04/29/11  Interview With Belinda Luscombe of Time Magazine;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Via Telephone
-04/21/11  Remarks With Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC Also available in Arabic
-04/18/11  Introductory Remarks at Media Roundtable With Egyptian and International Journalists;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; U.S. Embassy; Cairo, Egypt
-04/12/11  Remarks at the 10th Annual Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Kennedy Center; Washington, DC
-04/07/11  Women, Peace and Security;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; XXIX OAS Policy Roundtable; Washington, DC
-03/23/11  Women's Stories Unfettered;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; International Conference of Women Media Leaders; Washington, DC
-03/22/11  Human Rights Council Statement on Ending Violence Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/15/11  Women as Agents of Peace and Stability;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Sea Service Leadership Association's 24th Annual Women's Leadership Symposium; San Diego, CA
-03/11/11  Diane Von Furstenberg Dinner and Awards Ceremony;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
-03/11/11  Women in the World Stories and Solutions Summit;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Hudson Theater; New York City
-03/09/11  APEC Senior Officials Meeting I: The Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation, Committee of the Whole;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-03/09/11  Launch of a Global Partnership on Maternal and Child Health;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; The Ronald Reagan Building; Washington, DC
-03/09/11  Remarks at 2011 CARE National Conference;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  2011 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; The Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Briefing On the 2011 International Women of Courage Awards;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Interview With Erica Hill of CBS's The Early Show;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Interview With Kay Burley of Sky News;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Interview With Michele Kelemen of NPR;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Remarks With Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-03/07/11  Launch of the State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2011;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-03/07/11  The 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8 2011;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/07/11  The Launch of the 100 Women Initiative: Empowering Women and Girls Through International Exchanges;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/07/11  Women's Work-More, Earn-Less Plan Hurts;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/28/11  Statement at the 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, at U.N. Headquarters;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; New York, NY
-02/25/11  Secretary Clinton Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day with Events the Week of March 7-11; Washington, DC
-02/23/11  Conviction of Congolese Military Officers Accused of Mass Rapes;  Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/18/11  Day of the Women of the Americas;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/08/11  The Fight Against Child Marriage;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Glamour Magazine
-02/04/11  First Rehabilitation Center in the DRC for Victims of Sexual Violence;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Bukavu, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
-02/04/11  Opening of the City of Joy;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Bukavu, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
-01/24/11  Women Driving Economic Growth;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Invest for the Future Women's Conference; Istanbul, Turkey
-01/11/11  Reflections on 2010, Resolutions for 2011: Strengthening Gains for Women and Girls;  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; DipNote Blog; Washington, DC


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