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Rangel To DREAMers: Start Applying For Deferred Action

New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the first day of the implementation of President Barack Obama’s deferred action initiative.

“Today is a historic day for up to 1.7 million undocumented students and for our country. The directive from President Barack Obama that the Department of Homeland Security apply discretion when considering the immigration status of many DREAMers went into effect today, the first time that people can apply for deferred action.

The decision by the President and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano reflects our national values of fairness and opportunity. Undocumented students educated and raised here in the United States finally have the opportunity to live in our country without fear of deportation.

Applications should go to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for most applicants, but those already in deportation proceedings or DREAMers who are arrested must go through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). For more information on how to apply go to my website at: USCIS has a page dedicated to assisting the deferred action process.

There is still more work to be done. Deferred action is a stop-gap measure designed to allow these students to work and live in this country without the threat of immigration enforcement. However, deferred status is only conferred for two years subject to renewal. Congressional action is imperative to provide DREAMers with a path to legal residency and citizenship.

Democrats in the House have already passed the DREAM Act only to see it blocked in the Senate by a GOP filibuster. That disappointment has only strengthened our resolve to pass the legislation. I have co-sponsored the bill since 2001, the first time it was introduced. I will not rest until it gets passed.”  



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